Crimean Tatar people are not able to preserve mother tongue without assistance – expert

The Crimean Tatar language perforce will able really to disappear as the Karaite language in due time
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The Crimean Tatar people are not able to preserve mother tongue without assistance. QHA was reported by the Crimean political scientist Andrii Nikiforov.

According to him, the Crimean Tatar language perforce will able really to disappear as the Karaite language in due time.

'The fact of the matter is that field of application of the Crimean Tatar language is quite limited and comes to everyday questions and it does not go beyond the scopes. Moreover, many Crimean Tatars refuse that their children study the mother tongue at schools' - political scientist noted.

Andrii Nikiforov said the Crimean Tatar language is close to extinction, and so it is important to preserve this language by a joint effort of all Crimean community.

'We are saying about the Russian language protection and we should raise the question of the Crimean Tatar language protection' - Andrii Nikiforov noted.

It should be reminded, 87,3% of the Crimean Tatars who were questioned, speak in the Crimean Tatar language fluently under the sociological research data, which were conduct by Razumkov’s Centre in Crimea and Aq-Yar (Sevastopil) from October till November last year.


Related Links:

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