Chairman of Assembly of Imams of Europe met Mufti of RAMU "Ummah"
On end of a practical seminar for the Ukrainian Imams which took place on December, 11-12th, in the building of the Islamic Social Cultural Centre of Kiev, the chairman of the Assembly of Imams of Europe Sheikh Haysam Rahma and the Mufti of the RAMU "Ummah" Sheikh Said Ismagilov held a meeting in the course of which they shared an operational experience and discussed pressing questions.
Sheikh Haysam Rahma lives in Sweden since 1979; he works as the Imam in a Stockholm mosque. He is elected as a chairman of the Assembly of Imams of Europe.
Speaking about Muslims of Ukraine, Sheikh Haysam highly appreciated activity of Islamic social organizations in our country.
"They play a key role in formation of a not deformed view at Islam among the Ukrainian population, acquainting people with culture, customs of our religion. It is not surprising, after all Islam exists on the territory of Ukraine since long time, and differently from the European countries there live the aboriginals who are practicing Islam", the honored visitor noted.
He believes that introduction of Ukraine into the European community is an issue of a near future, and it is a "fine possibility for association of the European religious organizations in the duty of acquaintance with Islam".
"I was pleasantly surprised, having seen what huge work is carried out among the Ukrainian Muslims: the high organization, self-return, fidelity and the most important thing — sincerity of intentions before the Almighty. I hope for close cooperation in the future between the European assembly of Imams of Europe and the RAMU", Sheikh Haysam Rahma emphasized.
Staff reporter.
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