"Dabka" dance, exhibitions and quizzes — Palestinian Culture Day at Kyiv ICC

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On Sunday, May 6, the Day of Palestinian Culture was held at Kyiv Islamic Cultural Center. The head of Islamic Culture Department at Kyiv ICC, Sheikh Tariq Sarhan told our news reporter that the initiators of the event were Alraid’s Youth Department together with the Palestinian Diaspora of Kyiv.

The program included lectures on Palestine: culture, history, geography, traditions, "the Palestinian question", exhibitions, quizzes, national traditional choreography (dabka dance) performed by young Palestinians, and, of course, Palestinian cuisine. Lotteries, gifts and much more were at the guests’ disposal - and the quests were a lot at the event.

The main speakers at the event were the assistant to the chairman of the Palestinian Diaspora of Kyiv, Dr. Raid Shukri, and the head of Islamic Studies Department at Kyiv ICC, Sheikh Tariq Sarhan.

The Cultural Centre “Arab House” kindly provided the exhibits for the exhibition of Palestinian traditional crafts, applied arts and national robes, for which special thanks to its head, Salah Zakut.

The chairman of the Palestinian Diaspora, Mahmud Shanaa, thanked the Islamic Cultural Center of Kyiv and the All-Ukrainian Association “Alraid”, in particular Tariq Sarhan, for organizing and holding the event, for hospitality and cordiality, and the guests of the holiday — for interest in history and destiny of Palestine.

— I hope so that today we have given at least a small part of knowledge about the people of Palestine, about how we live, how we breathe and how we differ from other peoples. And we really want the people of Ukraine and Palestine to live in peaceful, joyful and human conditions...  

As Tariq Sarhan previously noted, the Days of Palestinian Culture in Kyiv ICC planned to be launched on an ongoing basis.

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