Said Ismail resigned as Mufti

Said Ismail resigned as Mufti
Said Ismagilov reads a Friday sermon at a mosque in Kyiv
Said Ismail resigned as Mufti
Before the election, the mufti will be acting imam of Lviv Murat Suleymanov
Said Ismail resigned as Mufti
Said Ismail resigned as Mufti
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Said Ismail resigned as Mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah". This was announced by one of the religious leaders of Ukrainian Muslims in their Facebook post.

According to Sheikh Said, this actually happened on February 24, when the lives of all Ukrainians were divided into "before" and "after". And in March, an agreement was reached with the board of the RAMU "Umma" that Said Ismail resigns and dedicates himself to the defense of Ukraine and the rescue of our wounded.

"I did not make any public statements for some time, although many of you understood everything. It was planned that in the spring I would leave the post of Mufti and dedicate myself to scientific and public activities, but the occupiers made their adjustments in the life of every Ukrainian," he wrote.

Said Ismagilov was elected in 2009 and served as Mufti for 13 years. The next election of the head of the RAMU "Umma" was to take place in March, and Sheikh Said did not plan to be a candidate again.

According to the already former mufti, he has been training in the Terror Defense Battalion since December, but he hoped that it might be a miracle that the latest glimpses of intelligence in the Kremlin will not allow a full-scale war.

“I will report on my activities at the congress of the RAMU "Umma" when it is possible to hold it. Now some communities and mosques are either under occupation or in a war zone, and Russian muftis and local collaborators have already shamelessly laid their paws on them," wrote Mufti Ismail.
As the website "Islam in Ukraine" found out, before the election for a Mufti, Murad Suleiman, the imam of the Islamic Cultural Center named after Mohammad Asada in Lviv, will be the temporary Mufti of the RAMU “Umma”.

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