Sinan al-Ahmad: Sister, do not tell that you are just a woman!

Sinan al-Ahmad: Sister, do not tell that you are just a woman!
Public activist Sinan al-Ahmad came to Ukraine from Kuwait to participate in the International Women's Forum at the invitation of the Ukrainian Muslimahs League
Sinan al-Ahmad: Sister, do not tell that you are just a woman!
Sinan al-Ahmad also took part in the actions to support Gaza Strip’s residents.
Sinan al-Ahmad: Sister, do not tell that you are just a woman!
Правозащитница была среди организаторов и участниц недавно состоявшегося «Конвоя совести».The human rights activist was one of the recent Conscience Convoy’s organizers and participants.
Sinan al-Ahmad: Sister, do not tell that you are just a woman!
Sinan al-Ahmad: Sister, do not tell that you are just a woman!
Sinan al-Ahmad: Sister, do not tell that you are just a woman!
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Public activist Sinan al-Ahmad came to Ukraine from Kuwait to participate in the International Women's Forum at the invitation of the Ukrainian Muslimahs League and the Social Organisation "Maryam".

It was originally planned that this event, held on April 7 in the Kyiv City hall, would be a platform for the experience exchange among Muslim women. But this is for the second time when the adepts of other religions are also present at the event. And that is not surprising, because Muslim women of Ukraine are always open to dialogue, as well as to cooperation. And non-Muslim women would do well to learn from them, for instance, from Sinan that is a well-known human rights defender and activist in the Islamic world.

- Every woman should have a positive role, regardless of her marital status or participating or non- participating in the volunteering activities. The women role is not associated only with a family. Society cannot be changed for the better only due to one voice – man’s voice. The presence of the second voice – woman’s voice — is important for the information delivery, — stressed Sinan al-Ahmad.

The human rights activist was one of the recent Conscience Convoy’s organizers and participants. According to Sinan, this international action started in Istanbul, and several thousand activists from 55 countries around the world came by 200 buses to the city of Antakya, situated in the border province of Hatay near the Syrian-Turkish borders, with an appeal to release women prisoners (currently, only according to the official data, there are over 7 thousand women) and to stop violence and torture against them.

Sinan al-Ahmad also took part in the actions to support Gaza Strip’s residents, despite the certain risk associated with these actions; she did not give up her plans.

– Sister, don’t tell that you are just a woman, do not get down on yourself, the Most High will support you! - appealed the human rights activist. – Even Khadija, Prophet Muhammad’s wife, was "just" a woman, but she was the first woman in Islam! Sumayyah was a woman, but she was the first martyr in Islam! Who helped Prophet Muhammad to migrate? It is Asma, and she is also a woman!

Sinan stressed that as of today Qawafil, the Charity Organisation for Relief & Development, which she represents, has branches in many countries, so the women activists still have a lot of work to do...

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