ACCaRO urges Ukrainian Delegation in PACE Oppose Legalization of Unisex Partnership in Europe

Ukrainian Churches and public organizations against legalization of unisex partnership (The photo of
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On January, 21st, the All-Ukraine Council of Churches and Religious Organizations sent to the representatives of the Ukrainian power the reference with the request “to consider a position of the Ukrainian public, including Churches and religious organizations which categorically denies support by Ukraine at the international level and introduction in our state of any initiatives directed on propagation of homosexuality and attempts of legalization of unisex relations”, informs the Institute of Religious Freedom.

By the instructions of the All-Ukraine Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (ACCaRO) corresponding references were sent to the President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Peter Poroshenko, the chairman of the Supreme Council of Ukraine Vladimir Litvin, the chairman of parliamentary fraction of the Party of Regions Victor Yanukovych, the chairman of the Constant delegation in the PACE from Ukraine to Ivan Popesk and other People's Deputies of Ukraine who are members of the Ukrainian delegation in Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

In the documents which copies are available at the disposal of IRS, it is emphasized that according to published on a web site of the PACE materials, in the course of consideration of this issue for the voting will be represented the offer on legalization of unisex partnership, including recognition behind them the status of "family" and granting the right to the same-gender persons to be the parents for children and to adopt children of each other.

As it is marked in references, in case of acceptance of draught resolutions and recommendation which are now presented for consideration at the January session of the PACE, further Ukraine will need modifications of the national legislation for realization in our state of these immoral initiatives.

“Convincingly we emphasize the fact that the Ukrainian public and believing citizens which according to the sociological data make 90 % of the population of Ukraine, are categorically against of such an offer”, is marked in references of the All-Ukraine Council of Churches and Religious Organizations.

In references it is reminded that “all 19 religious associations which are a part of the All-Ukraine Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, representing belief and outlook of overwhelming majority of the Ukrainian society, in May, 2007, have unanimously accepted the Declaration "About uncooperative altitude to the phenomenon of homosexuality and attempts of legalization of so-called unisex marriages (registration of unisex partnership)".

“Believers have no hatred or the prejudiced relation to homosexualists, but religious people cannot be reconciled with homosexuality, other immoral actions and their propagation as the phenomena of the spiritual and public life”, is marked in the Declaration of the ACCaRO.

In this connection, the ACCaRO calls the management of the Ukrainian state, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the members of the Constant delegation in the PACE from Ukraine in the course of discussion concerning legalization of unisex partnership in Europe to oppose this offer not only during the current session of the PACE, but also in the future, and in the course of voting by corresponding draught resolutions and the recommendation of the PACE to oppose this initiative.

Summing up, the ACCaRO expressed belief that “such position of Constant delegation from Ukraine in the PACE, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the Ambassador of Ukraine in the Council of Europe will testify about high moral standards in our state and will save the future of Ukraine from arbitrariness of debauchery, immorality and destruction of the family institute”.

As it informs IRS, the question on discrimination is brought in the agenda project agenda of the January session of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on the basis of sexual orientation and gender self-identification which was planned to be considered on January, 27th, 2010. The delegation of the Ukrainian members of parliament will also take part in these sessions, due to the fact that since October, 1995, Ukraine is the full member of the Council of Europe.

By the Institute of Religious Freedom

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