All-Ukraine Female Jewish Organization acted with Open Letter in Support of Muslims of Crimea

The meeting was organized with an aim to transfer the open letter and signatures to the Mufti Emirali Ablaev, as a sign of support of Muslims of Crimea and disapproval of any displays of xenophobia and nationalism.
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On September, 14th, in Simferopol took place the meeting of the Mufti of Muslims of Crimea Hajji Emirali Ablaev with delegation of the all-Ukraine Social Organization "The all-Ukraine Female Jewish Organization "Kesher Project" in which course the delegates transferred the open letter in support of Muslims of Crimea in connection with the fact of an arson of the Simferopol Seit Settar mosque.

As it informed the regional representative of the South of Ukraine and Moldova of "Kesher Project" Alina Verhovskaya, the open letter in support of the Crimean Muslims was composed at the initiative of the Project in connection with the vandalism fact on 23-24 August in the city of Simferopol.

Thanks to the efforts of women of "Kesher Project" within a week the letter flown all around Ukraine. It was signed not only by active workers of the organization, but also by international female associations, communities, partner organizations, and not indifferent people.

Support sign

The meeting was organized with an aim to transfer the open letter and signatures to the Mufti Emirali Ablaev, as a sign of support of Muslims of Crimea and disapproval of any displays of xenophobia and nationalism.

As it noted the regional representative of "Kesher Project", the meeting passed in warm and friendly conditions. During the conversation were discussed the issues of tolerance, contact of religions, mutual friendly support and possibility of further cooperation.

According to the edition "The Crimean World", the meeting in the release of news was reported by the journalists of the Crimean-Tatar edition of the STRCh "Crimea".

The same day, in the Simferopol City Council, on constantly operating commission at the Simferopol Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies concerning international relations, religion and a freedom of worship, the letter was presented by A.I.Gendin – the chairman of the Association of Jewish Communities and Organizations of Crimea.

Open Letter

The given is the full text of the open letter to the Mufti of Muslims of Crimea Hajji Emirali Ablaev which copies were also directed to the Simferopol city chairman G.A.Babenko and the chairman of the Crimean Republican fund "International Consent" V.Kim.

"Dear Mr. Adzhi Emirali Ablaev!

We, women of the International Female Jewish Organization "Kesher Project" are extremely revolted by attempted arson of Seit Settar mosque in Simferopol which took place in the night from 23d to 24th August.

We live in one country which unites different national and confessional communities. It is important for us to know that similar acts of racial and religious intolerance will be responded by the public protest.

We express deep concern by religious intolerance concerning the Crimean Muslim community, and also by more and more a wide circulation of negative stereotypes, hostile acts and violence against communities because of their religious beliefs and their ethnic or so-called racial origin.

We also realize strengthening of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in various parts of the world, and also occurrence of the racist movements using methods of violence both defending racism and discrimination ideas in relation to the Jewish, Muslim and Arabian communities. The mankind history abounds with awful tragedies which arose because of non-observance of the principle of equality of all people, and with alarm we mark increase in such kinds of practice in various parts of the world.

We call female associations, groups of "Kesher Project", partner, social, national organizations, state structures, mass-media to unite for the active educational actions directed on overcoming of all kinds of violence, discrimination to national and religious sign!", is marked in the letter.

By and "The Crimean World"

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