Central Mosque is open again after reconstruction: the AAPO “Alraid and the RAMU “Ummah” congratulate Donetsk Muslims

Ceremonial opening of the Central Mosque “Ahat-Jami” was held on June, 15, 2012
Mr.Said Ismagilov, Mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (RAMU) “Ummah”reminded that it could mainly be possible due to the older generation who could preserve the light of faith in their hearts in times of imposing disbelief at the official level, and pass it to descendants
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Ceremonial opening of the Central Mosque “Ahat-Jami” was held on June, 15, 2012. The event that started with recitation of the Holy Koran was attended by representatives from religious organizations of Ukraine and other countries, public administration offices.

Mr.Mukaddas Bibarsov, chairman of the Religious Administration of Muslims (RAM) of the Volga Region (Russia), stressed upon the significance of this event for Donetsk region: “Reconstruction of Donetsk Mosque is an indication of the process of revival of Donetsk Muslims, and of mutual understanding established between the Muslim community and city administration offices”.

Joy of Donetsk Muslims was shared by brothers in faith from other cities and regions, coming to the opening ceremony. They say that the mosque being one of the largest in Donbass, they are pleased to see it renovated and ready to gather the parishioners under its dome.

The mosque build in a time by the design of a mosque in Istanbul, now has the renovated façade and ceiling; its inner painting is made by Turkish masters.

They could preserved the light of faith and filled the mosque with it

Mr.Said Ismagilov, Mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (RAMU) “Ummah”, congratulated Donbas residents with this joyful day. He reminded that it could mainly be possible due to the older generation who could preserve the light of faith in their hearts in times of imposing disbelief at the official level, and pass it to descendants. They could preserve their faith, and by this faith they will be rewarded; they prayed, and the Islamic revival in Ukraine is being on thanks to their prayers. New mosques, both new and restored ones, are opened in our country each year.

He reminded to the gathering about the importance of understanding the deepest meaning of this event significance, as Allah the Most High warns Muslims: “And the mosques are Allah’s, so call not upon anyone with Allah” (Koran, 72:18).

In this day of celebrating the opening of the mosque, Said-hazrat spoke out thanks before the gathering to everyone who contributed energies, money and souls in building this House of Allah the Most High, and asked the Most High for their blessing and great reward.

The Mosque should not be just a nice building

Mr. Husam Issa, deputy-chairman of the AAPO “Alraid”, spoke out thanks to Allah Who granted him a chance to attend both the first opening of this mosque 13 years ago and its second birth in this warm day of June. He reminded the audience the ayat: “Only he can maintain the mosques of Allah who believes in Allah and the Last Day, and keeps up prayer and pays the poor-rate and fears none but Allah. So these it is who may be of the guided ones” (Koran: 9:18)

He says that it’s very important that this mosque should not stand as just a nice sight of Donetsk city, but faithful should constantly maintain it from within by their stay, their supplications to the Most High, their prayers and aspirations for learning Islamic knowledge. He wished in conclusion that the mosque should illuminate the light, the good, and the understanding, that it should be the place looked at by Allah with pleasure, the place to which angels turn with supplications about those staying in it.

After the ceremonial opening, parishioners were invited to the mosque for congregation prayer.


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