Deputies of Lvov Regional Council Demand to Forbid Abortions in Ukraine

The public and physicians assert that Ukraine is among the five of world leaders by the quantity of abortions.
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Deputies of the Lvov region council call the President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko, the Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko and the chairman of the Supreme Council Vladimir Litvin to forbid abortions in the state.

According to UNIAN, references were supported by 76 deputies of the regional council.

They ask to accept article No 27 of the Constitution of Ukraine in such an edition, “Each person has an inalienable right for life from the moment of conception and to natural death”, and also “to reconsider the legislation which allows to carry out artificial interruption of pregnancy: to prepare changes in the Civil code of Ukraine in which to notice that civil rights of the physical person arise at the moment of its conception”.

Deputies of the Lvov regional council also demand from heads of the state “to introduce respective alterations in article No 134 of the Criminal code of Ukraine “Illegal carrying out of abortion”, strengthening responsibility for carrying out of abortion.

Let's remind that according to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine more than 40 % of Ukrainian women of reproductive age at least once in a lifetime made abortion.

The public and physicians assert that Ukraine is among the five of world leaders by the quantity of abortions.

Annually in Ukraine is registered about 200-250 thousand cases of artificial interruption of pregnancy according to the official statistics. Informally, public organisations declare 30 million abortions for the years of Independence.

Abortion in Islam

In Islam before the expiration of 120-day term abortion is admissible in case of a special emergency. At the same time in opinions of scholars of different madhabs (juridical schools) there are some nuances. So, according to scholars of Shafiite madhab abortion is allowed in first forty days from the moment of conception if there is mutual consent of spouses and prospective operation does not have an adverse effect on ability of the spouse to child-bearing; after forty days since conception, in opinion of Shafiites, abortion is strictly forbidden.

Concerning abortion after the expiration of 120-day term since conception all scholars agree in opinion that it is forbidden and it is qualified as a murder.

"Kill not your children for fear of want: We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin". (The Holy Quran, 17: 31)

Moreover, all Muslim scholars speak about undesirability of interruption of pregnancy on any phase. However, according to Shariah principle “necessity turns forbidden into permitted”, in emergency cases, for example, when there is a threat of life of a mother, there are well-grounded fears that the future child may inherit incurable illnesses, pregnancy interruption is possible, writes "".

By UNIAN and ""

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