High Medrese of Hafiz Revives Tradition of Quran Studying in Crimea

High Medrese of Hafiz Revives Tradition of Quran Studying in Crimea
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The Quran is the dear thing that Muslims have. It is the Book of their Creator, the light, the law and the guidance, education, morals and knowledge. The Quran is the basis of the Muslim culture and the base of the Islamic civilization.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "The best of you is the one who studied the Quran and teaches it others".

Realizing importance of studying and teaching the Quran, the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Crimea and the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" in 2003 opened the High Medrese of Hafiz.

Ayder Osmanov, the deputy director of the Hafiz school tells that in the Medrese they strive not only to teach children the Quran, but also to promote morals increase in the society, revival of correct understanding of Islam.

In spite of the fact that for today the Crimean High Medrese of Hafiz is the only in Ukraine Muslim educational institution of a similar profile, its achievements are difficult to overestimate.

The Holy Quran is studied here by students at the age from 13 to 16 years. Selection passes carefully, after all best of the best are chosen for studying.

"Naturally, we have selection, as it is not an ordinary Medrese. Here is needed such a person who can memorize the Quran. For us, for example, the minimum norm is a page per day", A.Osmanov tells.

For selection students pass the two-month test period. It is enough to estimate abilities of young Muslims.

Ibragim Umerov is proud that this year he entered the Hafiz school. Long time ago he decided that he would like to memorize the Quran by heart, after all it is a great honor and award from the Almighty for Muslims.

Most of all the student of the 3d course of journalism and the 2nd of economy likes organization of work of the school and saturation of the daily schedule.

"In the centre before fajr (a morning prayer) there is a lesson, then fajr, again a lesson. And then children go to school, then they come back from school. During the lunchtime they have some rest, and then again lessons, then a homework", I.Umerov tells.

Students of the school are accustomed to care for themselves, it is necessary to be in the school well-groomed and ironed. Everyone has his duties, and Ibragim, as a journalist, is responsible for the weekly wall newspaper.

For two graduations of school, the Medrese has what to be proud of. Many graduates took part in the international competitions of readers of the Quran.

"Our students, ours Hafiz participated in the international competitions in the various countries – Dubai, Egypt, Saudi Arabia", A.Osmanov marks.

Those who successfully graduated from the Medrese are employed. Also those who graduated cum laude have possibility of entering Universities of Ukraine or abroad. Also one should bear in mind that here is a century that in Crimea there were no Hafiz, who memorized the Quran in a Muslim educational institution, and honor to revive this tradition belongs to the High Medrese of Hafiz.

By arraid.org

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