Karpatcheva: Xenophobia Problem Sharpest in Crimea

N.Karpatcheva is assured that by joint efforts it is possible to create really tolerant society, which, protecting its cultural and spiritual traditions would be respectful to representatives of other races, nationalities and cultures.
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Spreading of displays of xenophobia, ethnic and racial intolerance did not bypass Ukraine, too, considers the representative of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights Nina Karpatcheva.

The ombudsman of Ukraine with concern notes disturbing tendencies on increase in quantity of displays of xenophobia, ethnic and racial intolerance concerning foreign citizens, representatives of other races and nationalities. Most sharply this problem has an effect in the Autonomous Republic Crimea, in the city of Kiev, Odessa, Donetsk, Lvov, Kharkov, Vinnitsa and Zaporozhye areas, concentrating basically in cities, informs QHA.

As the participant of the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia, which took place in the capital of South Africa in September, 2001, when it was accepted the well-known Durban Declaration and the Program of actions, Karpatcheva emphasized that then the world community was full of hopes to world's change to the best.

"To the greatest regret, distribution of displays of xenophobia, ethnic and racial intolerance is a general world tendency. It did not bypass Ukraine, too. Hence, the Program of Actions specified above, is not carried out", Karpatcheva declared.

However, the Representative on Human Rights is sure that by joint efforts it is still possible to stop development of these negative tendencies, to create really tolerant society which, protecting its cultural and spiritual traditions, economic and other interests would be respectful to representatives of other races, nationalities and cultures which live or stay on the territory of our state. For this purpose, according to the ombudsman, existing problems in this extremely sensitive sphere of human relations are necessary for investigating carefully at the state level, for open discussion in society, for encouraging of carrying out of information campaigns against xenophobia and racism in mass-media, higher educational institutions, schools, among youth and by that to prevent negative displays.

"Protection of right for freedom against discrimination, racism and xenophobia is one of priorities in the activity of Karpacheva. From 2004 till May, 2009 to the Representative on Human Rights addressed about 700 persons who complained on infringement of the principle of equality of rights and freedom in relation to them. About 250 complaints were received from foreigners and persons without citizenship, as it informs the press-service.

One of immediate measures which should be carried out for more effective struggle against racial discrimination displays, the Representative on Human Rights considers joining of the Ukrainian cities to the European Coalition of cities against racism through signing of the Declaration on Intentions and the Certificate with acceptance of performance of obligations of a corresponding Plan of Action as it was carried out in April of this year by the authorities of Odessa.

Among other factors which would promote strengthening of protection of rights of foreigners and persons without citizenship in Ukraine, and also citizens of Ukraine abroad, is creation of powerful State Migratory Service of Ukraine. This, in the opinion of Karpacheva, must be the central body of the state executive power with the special status. And indispensably civil.

The ombudsman is disturbed by absence of the appropriate account of the crimes made because of interracial or interethnic relations. Quite often the crimes connected with causing of physical injuries and deprivation of life of foreign citizens, law enforcement bodies continue to consider as the crimes made from hooligan motives, instead of xenophobia and racism displays.

"Marking certain positive changes in the relation of the state to the problem of distribution of displays of discrimination, racism and xenophobia, first of all - comprehension of existence of such problem and necessity to take measures for the purpose of counteraction to this shameful phenomenon, Karpatcheva emphasizes that it is necessary to direct the basic efforts on perfection of legislation by which the question of counteraction of xenophobia, racial and ethnic discrimination, and also of work strengthening under prevention, investigation and disclosing of the illegal actions connected with displays of vandalism which contain signs of kindling national, racial or religious hostility and hatred is regulated. Thus, it is necessary to give special attention to radical youth organizations and groupings", the press-service informs.

N.Karpatcheva continues fruitful cooperation with Regional Representation of Management of the Supreme Commissioner of the United Nations on Affairs of Refugees, the International Organization on Migration in questions of counteraction to displays of racism and xenophobia, protection of rights of foreigners, refugees and refuge selectors.


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