Muslim Organizations of Ukraine Expressed Solidarity with Syrian People

The better tomorrow of Syria is possible only in conditions of freedom, democracy and justice, the Ukrainian Muslims are convinced
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Muslims of Ukraine, joining their fellow Muslim brothers all over the world, express solidarity with the Syrian people who are now going through unprecedented atrocities following their requirements of freedom, democracy and ending the tyranny.

In connection with the tragic events in Syria, a number of Muslim organizations of Ukraine, namely: the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid", the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah", the all-Ukraine Social Organization "Ukrainian Center of Islamic Studies" and Social Organization "Along With the Law", signed the reference in which they expressed their solidarity with the Syrian people at this crucial moment of its history and categorically condemned the proceeding massacre.

Successive reports paint a horrific scene of bombardment, attacks, and shootings, targeting residential areas, and the masses of Syrian men and women, especially in the city of Homs, reaping hundreds of lives every day. This city has become the symbol of high-spirited rebellion of Syrian people against the “bloody butcher’s” tyrany.

Despite the enormous will of the Syrian people for freedom and changes, repeated appeals of the leading world states and politicians, including the Middle-Eastern ones, the present Syrian authority persistently cling to their fading power using all available methods of suppression and terror, responding expectations of their people with unprecedented shedding of their blood.

Since March of the last year, Syrians gather in squares with the requirement to respect their fundamental laws; however they are confronted by the organized campaign of murders, tortures and reprisals which forced many to flee in search of refuge in neighboring countries.

"Ukrainian Muslims feel immense pain for the continuing suffering of our brothers and sisters in Syria, and the high price that they are paying to secure their liberty.", is marked in the circulation which text possesses "Islam in Ukraine".

Its authors invoke all world community, the Arab and Muslim world, leading international organizations, immediately to find effective forms of influence on a ruling clique of Syria to force it to reckon with opinion of the people.

Muslim organizations of Ukraine also address to the leaders of Russia to realize a historical inconsistency of proceeding support of the mode of B.Asad, "which may be a full discredit to Russian image in the Arab world and may have a serious negative impact for Arab-Russian traditional relations".

Muslims of Ukraine are assured that the better tomorrow of Syria is possible only in the conditions of freedom, democracy and justice, cutting the tyranny and developing respect to the Syrian people’s will.

"Only in this way the multinational and multi-confessional folk of Syria can build a firm basis for peace, order, harmony and well-being for all the citizens in the united Syrian state", the circulation emphasizes.

Staff reporter.

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