Today after the sunset the Holy Month Ramadan started

Today after the sunset the Holy Month Ramadan started
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Islam in Ukraine
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Following the meeting, the Ukrainian Center for Fatwa and Research decided that Ramadan will begin in 2022 after sunset on Friday, April 1, and Saturday, April 2 will be the first day when Muslims will fast.

This was announced by the Mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “UMMA”, Imam-Chaplain of the Territorial Defense of Kyiv and Kyiv region Said Ismagilov.

According to the report, the holy month will begin after sunset on April 1, so the first day of fasting will be on April 2. Eid Al-Fitr will be on May 2, 2022.

“This year, Zakat Al-Fitr (Sadaqat Al-Fitr) will cost 150 UAH from each family member, but if you wanted and had the opportunity you can give more to support indigent fellow believers in this difficult time. The collective Tarawih prayers in mosques are canceled due to the martial law and curfew, for safety purposes. Muslims must perform them at home. Zakat (nisab) will be paid this year, starting from the equivalent to 47800 US dollars,” – the Mufti said.

Ramadan is a holy month in the Muslim calendar, when the faithful adhere the obligatory fast (sawm, uraza). Fasting in Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. During this month Muslims must abstain from food and drink from sunrise till sunset. It is also forbidden to smoke and have intimacy.

Every evening, after the night prayer Al-Ishaa Muslims perform a collective prayer – Tarawih, that consists of eight to twenty “rakat”. This year, Ukrainian Muslims are advised to perform Tarawih at home, not in the mosques due to the martial law imposed in the country, and sometimes a curfew due to the massive Russian aggression.

Last 10 days of Ramadan are the period when the night of Al-Qadr, the Night of Power or the Night of Destiny comes.

The holiday of the end of the fasting month, Eid Al-Fitr (Uraza-bayram) occurs on the first day of the Shawwal month and the festive prayers in mosques beings. Before this prayer, Muslims must pay for the Zakat Al-Fitr – “almsgiving”.

Zakat is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, an obligatory annual tax paid by free, capable adult Muslims from income and property (movable and immovable). According to Sharia, its payment means that the acquired wealth is not sinful. Zakat is considered as a way of ensuring social justice by redistribution of income in Muslim society.

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