Ukraine to Develop Close Cooperation with Arabian World

The Ukrainian interests are not limited to traditional partners - Russia, the EU and the USA, - K.Grishchenko
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Ukraine has ambitious plans for the development of relations with the Arabian world both in measurement of activation of political dialogue, and in trade and economic sphere. It at the meeting with heads of diplomatic missions of the Arabian countries was declared by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Konstantin Grishchenko.

The head of the Ukrainian foreign policy department emphasized that the President of Ukraine, the government management are interested both in visits to the Arabian countries, and especially that the Arabian leaders visited Kiev.

Also participants of the meeting in details discussed a wide range of questions of bilateral cooperation in political, trade and economic, humanitarian spheres. Separate attention was given to mutual relations in financial sphere at the expense of expansion of trade, wider exit of the Ukrainian subjects of managing on the Arabian market, attraction of investments in power, building, agrarian and others sectors of the Ukrainian economy.

From the side of the diplomats of the Arabian countries was expressed the opinion that political stabilisation in Ukraine which they observe now, will promote strengthening of positions of our state on the international scene and, in particular, in the Arabian world.

The meeting of the head of foreign policy department of Ukraine with the heads of diplomatic missions of the Arabian countries confirmed mutual interest of the parties in the essential intensification of cooperation of Ukraine with the states of the Middle East and the North Africa.


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