In Ukraine Finished the First International Competition of Quran Readers

In Ukraine Finished the First International Competition of Quran Readers
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In Simferopol finished the First International Competition of Readers of the Quran which took place during the last three days (on October, 24-26th) in the local Islamic Cultural Centre. In the competition participated 34 contestants from the countries of the post-Soviet territory aged from 10 to 33 years. In the competition which consisted of four nominations, took part girls, too.

Action passed at the initiative of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" in common with the World Islamic Charitable Organization (Kuwait), the World Organization the Quran Studying (Saudi Arabia), and also the Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea.

As the sponsor of the First Ukrainian international competition of readers of the Quran acted the Kuwaiti princess Suad al-Subah, the widow of Sheikh Abdullah al-Mubarak al-Subah by whose name the competition was named.

For participation in the competition to Ukraine came 34 participants from the CIS countries, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Dagestan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

Among official visitors from abroad there was a representative of the World Organization on the Quran Studying, Al-Senan Abdullah, and the chairman of the committee of Asia of the World Charitable Islamic Organization, Alavahdi Abdulrahman.

The competition also visited the first deputy of the constant representative of the President of Ukraine in the ARC Vladimir Kazarin, the deputy to the chairman of the council of ministers of the ARC Tatyana Umrhina, and also head of the Mejlis Mustafa Dzhamilev, his assistant Refat Chubarov and the deputy to the chairman of the Committee on Affairs of Religions at Ministerial Council of the ARC Ayder Bulatov. Into jury structure entered Muhammad al-Hatib — the head of educational department of the World Organisation on the Quran Studying (Yemen), Hamad Al Senan — the expert on the Quran, the author of ten books on studying of the Quran (Kuwait), Ali Said — the master of Islamic sciences, the expert in studying of the Quran (Saudi Arabia).

Competition united practically the best readers of the Quran from the post of the Soviet space; therefore judges had to work fairly at definition of winners in each of nominations.

The winners on nominations:

The whole Quran: 1 place - Ikbal Shripov (Tajikistan), 2 place – Yahub Ravshanov (Kyrgyzstan), 3 place – Jabrail Gazimagomedov (Dagestan).

Half of the Quran: 1 place – Nuriddini Shamiddin (Tajikistan), 2 place - Amire Ersin (Kazakhstan), 3 place - Yunus Yunusov (Dagestan).

The Quran quarter: 1 place – Sharipzoda Abumuslim (Tajikistan), 2 place – Usman Mustapaev (Dagestan), 3 place –Manas Bekishov (Kyrgyzstan).

Three juz from the Quran: 1 place – Rasim Dervishev (Ukraine), 2 place – Ayder Ahtemov (Ukraine), 3 place – Emir Kurtnezirov (Ukraine).

Additionally acted the youngest winners of the competition from Tajikistan, which are 10 years old, Sharipzoda Abumuslim and Nuriddini Shamiddin.

Judges noted uniqueness of the voice of Sharipzoda Abumuslim, naming it "golden voice" during whose performances there were listeners in the hall that could not constrain tears of admiration and looked forward for each performance of him.

Nuriddini Shamiddin, the participant of numerous international Quran competitions who besides fine reading of the Quran possesses an infallible memory, knowing sequence of all ayats (verses) from the Quran, capable under fragment instructions to specify its exact place of arrangement in the Quran – the sura number, verse and page.

It is necessary to notice that among participants there also were girls – Taqwa Aburrub (12 years old), Anisa Aszal (10 years old) and Vera Fryndak, but because of well prepared contestants they could not get to the leaders in the nominations.

In the three-day program there was a visiting of the Bakhchsarai state historical and cultural reserve which basic sight-seen is the Palace of the Crimean Khans - the unique in the world sample of the Crimean-Tatar palace architecture.

During the last day in solemn conditions valuable prizes and memorable gifts were handed over to the winners and participants of the competition.


Related Links:

For First Time in Ukraine to be Held International Competition of Quran Readers

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