Ukrainian Muslims Call Mass-Media and Politicians not to Identify Islam with Terrorism

Ukrainian Muslims Call Mass-Media and Politicians not to Identify Islam with Terrorism
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The Ukrainian Muslims ask journalists, politicians and officials not to identify Islam with terrorism and not to suppose kindling of interethnic and inter-confessional enmity. With such reference acted the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah" and the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid".

"Islam is deeply humanistic world religion, and the number of its followers nowadays makes more than one and a half billion. The human life in Islam is regarded as the highest gift of the Creator, and the Holy Quran equates murder of one innocent person to the murder of the whole mankind", goes the statement.

The Ukrainian Muslims resolutely condemn the acts of terrorism which took place in the Moscow underground on March, 29th, and share with the Russian people sorrow and indignation of this terrible crime which took away lives of tens innocent people.

"At the same time, we oppose identification of Muslims and Islam with terrorism, as well as any other world religion", is emphasized in the circulation.

In the SMMU "Ummah" and the AUASO "Alraid" are assured that those who committed this crime have neither nationality, nor religion. This brutal crime, in their opinion, is directed on kindling of international and inter-religious hostility in the Russian society. Authors of the reference hope that true originators of the tragedy will be found and will incur the most severe punishment; with whatever slogans they were shielded.

At the same in the circulation are expressed fears that possible hasty transferring of the fact which took place on the national and religious accessory of inhabitants of the Russian Federation threatens with future tragedies and conflicts.

"We address to journalists, politicians and officials with the request to show prudence and not to tolerate kindling of interethnic and inter-confessional enmity, and treat Muslims as a part of a multinational society, and Islam as religion which is professed almost by a quarter of the population of the Earth", representatives of Islamic faith in Ukraine ask.

Staff reporter.

Related Links:

Ukrainian Muslims Resolutely Condemn Act of in Moscow Underground

Spiritual Management of Muslims "Ummah" Urges Stop Islamophoby Kindling in Ukraine

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