This Ramadan Will Go Down In History

This Ramadan Will Go Down In History
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Each Ramadan is one of the kind, and this one was remarkable for many suffering and hardships fуll to the lot of the Muslim Community, i.e. horrible Civil War with despotic regime in Syria, military junta coming to power in Egypt, long and extremely hot days in Europe. However, many Muslims were persistent in fulfilling their religious duties no matter what, invoking genuine admiration.

Several thousand strong demonstrations of Egyptians fasting under the burning Sun during the daytime and reading the Qur’an at night are something. They crowded streets and squares of the Egyptian cities to show their protest against the military coup. This is a unique event and no doubt it will become history of Islam. None of the followers of any other religion in any other country demonstrated such will, firmness, determination and patience. People who can’t even have a draught of water because of the fast standing for the justice, for their choice and their Islamic future.

There were other traits of Ramadan revealing the problems of the Ummah. I’m speaking first of all about the debate among the Muslim community on just how to calculate the beginning of the month of Ramadan (or indeed any month, but Ramadan takes on special importance) which became kind of traditional. Some accept only the method to visibly sight the slight crescent moon (hilal) that marks the beginning of the month. Others consider the new moon seen anywhere on Earth, even if it’s documented with special instruments.

It appears that the situation will last until the plenipotentiary representatives of every community work out the unanimous criteria for determining the new moon.

It’s even worse when different Muslim communities of the same country (I mean Ukraine) still don’t have a common approach for that issue. People who started fasting on August 9, but then broke their fast as someone reschedule the first day to August 10 looked funny and absurdly. To be objective, there has been the new moon on the night of August 8 to 9 and there are photoshoot taken by telescopes and satellites, so there were no bases for “delaying” Ramadan.

But well,write if off to the difficulties of Islamic renaissance, as no renaissance is possible without difficulties.

Back on Ramadan topic, I want to mention great number of those fasting this summer. They are mainly youth and people under 50, and it gives hope that Islam in Ukraine indeed has future, and this future is young and active and persistent in their religious choices. We saw hundreds of young Muslims with their faces shining while attending public iftars at various cities of Ukraine.

This Ramadan will remain in memory of our generation as a remarkable one, as if someone managed to fast during this Ramadan is able to fast anytime during the year. My grandma used to tell me how they fasted during Summer, and I always wondered how they could stand the heat. Those were hard times of anti-religious campaign in the Soviet Union. But regardless the state being against them, regardless the absence of mosques or any legal religious life our grandparents appreciated their religion and held it dear and were even fasting secretly so the State wouldn’t punish them. Their faith was a ray of light in the realm of darkness for them. The elders told how they used to gather together after the all day long exhausting work in the fields and at the plants. Several families gathered for a joint iftar secretly and they used to drink several samovars (urns) of tea per evening, so thirsty they were, and only after that they started eating their poor meals. This is the reasons the modern people complaints for the heat and difficulties don’t touch my heart - that’s our grandparents who suffered the difficulties under the state oppression, and your complaints are nothing against that.

Allah Almighty promised us great reward for a great trial. During Ramadan the Gates of Heaven are open for us, and the Mercy and Forgiveness of the God are so great that one must try really hard not to gain any. The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, narrated that Allah Almighty decorates the Paradise every day during Ramadan and says: “soon there will be no pain and suffering for my righteous slaves” - and He forgives them on the last night of Ramadan. The companions asked the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him: “Is this the Night of Power, o Messenger of Allah?”, and he said “No, but isn’t everyone rewarded after he completed the certain task?”

And then the blessed Eid al-Fitr comes. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, performed his first festive prayer during the second year of hijrah and never left it since. The festive prayer is a very important Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and a wajib for the followers of Imam Abu Hanifa. Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali narrated “When Muslims gather in mosques for the salat in the morning of the Eid, Allaah the Exalted asks angels, “What is the reward for a person who has completed his task?”, and the Angels answer, “To receive a payment.” Thereupon, Allah says, “Then bear witness that I gave My servants My own pleasure and forgiveness in return for their fasts and prayers in Ramadan”.

Once Umar, the second righteous Caliph, saw a boy dressed in rags heading for the Eid prayer. The Caliph couldn't hold his tears, and the boy asked why he was crying. “My son!”, he answered, - “I’m afraid you’ll be sad that the other children see you in these old ragged clothes in the day of Eid”, and the boy replied, “Either the one who’s deprived of Allah’s contentment or the one who disappointed his parents must be sad, As for me, I’m praying that Allah Almighty was pleased with me”. And Umar cried even more bitterly and hugged the boy and prayed that Allah Almighty gave him all the best.

Dear brothers and sisters! Please be generous for orphans and all the poor and needy people during the Eid! We never get better until we become more generous and compassionate. Allah Almighty forgives us during these days and we too must forgive others and bring them good, peace, mercy and help. We ask the Almighty to accept our fasting, our prayers and our good deeds, and may He be satisfied with us!

Have a blessed and happy Eid, dear brothers and sisters!

Said Ismagilov, the Mufti of RAMU “Umma”

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