Islam and Muslims in Sverdlovsk

Islam and Muslims in Sverdlovsk
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Donbass is for a long time the place of compact residing of the Tatars who are practicing Islam, and the city of Sverdlovsk in Lugansk area is not an exception.

Muslims (the Tatars) came here from the Volga region, from the Penza region and Mordovia in 20 — 30th years of the previous century, in the time of industrialization of the Soviet state, for building of mines. In the early thirties in Sverdlovsk was founded a Muslim cemetery, it proves that here lived Muslims before foundation of the city which is dated by 1938. At the Soviet power local Muslims tried not to forget their faith in Allah, regularly carried out Muslim ceremonies. In religion maintenance special role was played by festive prayers which at first were carried out in one of the houses of Muslims, and later — in a civil defense building. On a wave of formation of a Muslim party — PMU, to Sverdlovsk came its founders: R. E. Bragin, R. Sh. Ivankov and I.K. Bashirov, that was a push for consolidation of Muslims of the city and area, and also for formation of a Muslim community. It was officially registered in November, 1997, and its management selected the name — "Al-Ikhlas".

The activity of the community became considerably more active thanks to opening of a Sunday school. The powerful contribution to the education of local Muslims was made by our Arabian brothers from the Social Organization "Al-Bayan" of the city of Lugansk. The big role in familiarizing of Muslims with their religion also played carrying out if iftars, visiting of Islamic summer camps and seminars, scale celebration of Muslim holidays. For high-grade work of a community there was a need of a mosque. The desire to build it in the city was discussed between coreligionists for a long time, and on one of the meetings the common decision was accepted, "To consider all possible variants for the decision of this question".

Possibility by means of the Association "Аlraid", alhamdulillah, appeared in the spring of 2001, to get a building for a mosque. On July, 7th, 2001, the private house along the street of Vatutin, 10, became the property of "Al-Ikhlas". By efforts of local Muslims with financial support of the AUASO "Arraid", was made house reconstruction under a mosque. We carried out the holiday of Id-al-Fitr and a festive prayer already in our mosque, simultaneously continuing full reconstruction of the building. Official opening of the mosque took place on July, 7th, 2002, on it were present more than a hundred of Muslims of the city and area.

Muslims of Sverdlovsk are glad that their dream came true that they have a mosque — a place where it is possible to carry out all religious practices, to study at Sunday school and simply to communicate. It is happy to know that the future generation will not be remote from the religion of Allah, religion of their ancestors. The confidence for our children and grandsons who will continue the started revival of Islam in Ukraine grows.

Low bow goes to our elders who could bring light of true belief in decades of atheism to the present generation.

May Allah strengthen us in our faith and reward us for our aspirations and acts!

Said BAHTIGOZIN, the chairman of the Muslim Community "Al-Ikhlas"

By the newspaper "Arraid"

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