The act of terrorism which took place on March, 29th, in Moscow, was performed by those "who have neither nationality, nor religion", and the crime is directed on kindling of international and inter-religious hostility in Russia.
Such a point of view stated the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" and the all-Ukraine Social Organization "The Ukrainian Centre of Islamic Studies" in the reference to the Russian people, we read on UNIAN in the articles "Muslims: act of terrorism in Moscow is directed on kindling of enmity" and "Act of terrorism in Moscow are committee by those, who have neither nationality, nor religion".
"The grief and indignation overflowed our hearts when we learnt about the terrible crime made in the Moscow underground. Tens of innocent people were killed and injured. We resolutely condemn this brutal crime", quotes the reference of Ukrainian Muslims informs that the Ukrainian Muslims consider as the purpose of acts of terrorism in the Moscow underground kindling of international and inter-religious hostility in Russia. To it echoes
"All world religions resolutely condemn terrorism, murder of innocent people in political aims. The Holy Quran equates murder of one innocent person to murder of the whole mankind. The human life in Islam is regarded as the highest gift of the Creator", writes in its article "Ukrainian Muslims condemned the Moscow acts of terrorism as a crime against Allah". The message under the same heading is published in and
In circulation of the AUASO "Alraid" and the AUSO 'The Ukrainian Centre of Islamic Studies" which text is published on, is noticed that the crime is made during the period when Russia realizes a course on adjustment of strategic partnership with the Islamic world, "actively participating in searches of decision of the challenges connected with definition of qualitatively new level in relations".
The Ukrainian Muslims call Russians of all nationalities and creeds "to keep patience, calmness and not to give in on provocation from the powers of darkness, aspiring to cast your country into contention and chaos abyss".
Also sounds the appeal to heads of the Muslim organizations of Russia – "to show the maximum diligence in preservation of peace and calmness on the Russian land and in protection of reputation of Islam and Muslims".
"We believe that the brotherly Russian people will courageously endure this tragedy", representatives of Islamic faith conclude.
By mass-media