Book Presentation about Stories of Islam Development in Crimea Took Place

The book tells about functioning of Muslim institutes in Crimea during the different periods, relations of the given institutes with authorities, their functional duties
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In the Crimean republican establishment "The Crimean-Tatar library of I.Gasprinskiy" in Akmesdzhit (Simferopol) on January, 22nd, took place book presentation "Islam in Crimea: Sketches of history of functioning of Muslim institutes".

The authors of the book are Elena Boytsova, the doctor of historical sciences, the professor of the Chair of history of Ukraine and auxiliary historical disciplines of the Taurian National University (TNU), Victor Gankevich, the candidate of political sciences, the senior lecturer of the chair of political sciences of the TNU, Elmira Muratova and Zarema Hayredinova – the candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer of the chair of cultural science of the TNU.

In the action took part the vice-president of the Republican committee on affairs of religions Ayder Bulatov, the authors of the book, the director and employees of the library and others.

As authors noted, the book tells about functioning of Muslim institutes in Crimea during different periods, relations of the given institutes with authorities, their functional duties.

"The book gives chance to answer to some extent on a question what was Islam in Crimea, what Islam is necessary for reviving, what is traditional Islam, whether it is possible in general to name it traditional. To show what was before and to what we should aspire nowadays. The idea of the book is to display a way which passed Islam", E.Muratova noted.

In the book are represented 4 periods of development of Islam in Crimea: the Period of the Crimean Khanate where Islam is the dominating religion, defining a life of each person, the period of the dawn of Muslim doctrine. With annexation of Crimea begins the second period - the decline of Islamic culture. The history of the Taurian Muhammedan Spiritual Board shows, how difficult were the relations between the power and the given structure, in what frameworks was put by force the Muslim doctrine. The third is the Soviet period which strongly affected and, further, stopped the development of Islam. According to the authors, because of the deadlines and absence of experts which would be engaged in the given period, in the book there is no information on Islam development during the period since 1920 to 1990th years. And at last, the modern period - the period of revival of the Muslim doctrine.

The book in which are used the materials of the Russian and Crimean archives was published in circulation of 1000 copies.


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