On Friday, a day before opening of the Cathedral mosque in Lugansk, weather forecasts witnessed about cloudy and rainy weather across the whole
Shortly before the beginning of long-awaited event, arrived the train with the high-ranking visitors. The main sponsor, in the environment of officials of the state of Kuwait in Ukraine, the chairman of the AUASO "Alraid", and other accompanying made excursion on mosque territory, discussing some issues which had to be solved at the temple construction.
At this time finishing touches were brought in the action organization. A tribune for performances was established next to the central entrance into the mosque, where led steps covered with red carpets. As the mosque is on raised district, from the tribune was observed the fine view on city buildings and one of the central prospectuses from which is well seen the mosque with a yellowish minaret.
Gathered from the neighboring cities and areas Muslims and representatives of religious communities, filled the territory beside the mosque. Elderly visitors were invited to sit beside the tribune. Operators established cameras, induced at the place from which had to sound congratulatory performances.
Muslims of Donbass expecting for opening
"Peace be upon you, our dear visitors", about twelve, as well as it was planned, the chairman of the Lugansk Muslim community "Salam" which is a part of the AUASO "Alraid", Seyfulla Rashidov, made the introduction into action opening. "We start our ceremony by mentioning and praising of the name of the Supreme at Whose Will we gathered on this place today", Rashidov added. Then performed by the Imam of the Cathedral mosque Muhammad Al-Ustaz sounded the fragment from sura of the Holy Quran.
As the sponsor of building of the mosque was the state of Kuwait, on behalf of foreign visitors with speech to the present addressed Mr. Talal Al-Gazza, temporarily fulfilling duties of the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ambassador of Kuwait in Ukraine. In the performance he thanked all who took part in building of the mosque with hope for further cooperation for the sake of blessing and prosperity on the Ukrainian land.
"Henceforth in the neighborhood there are a church and a mosque…"
"Mosque building is a fine example of adjusted inter-confessional relations in the multinational Ukrainian society, where superior position is occupied by mutual understanding, tolerance and well-being". These words of the chairman of the AUASO "Alraid" Ismail Kady joined the chief of the department on affairs of nationalities and religions of Lugansk regional state administration Alexander Kozenko, having added,
"Under one sky and in one street, in the neighborhood are now situated a church and a mosque, and the sound of bells will periodically replace the sound of azan".
Performance of the Mufti of the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah", Said Ismagilov, was touching and even caused emotions on the faces of sitting opposite elderly Tatars. He addressed his words to them, having reminded about rigid and severe conditions in which lived Muslims in a Soviet period. Having drawn a parallel between the past and the present, he noted,
"Nowadays we easily and with full freedom can visit this fine mosque, bring our children and grandchildren, tell them and show our sights".
After rewarding by official documents of participants of the building, the leader of the opening declared about traditional ceremony of cutting of a ribbon. At this time the present started unanimously to praise the Almighty by the words "Allah Is Great!" Then the Imam of the mosque introduced the high-ranking visitors inside. The two-story mosque with the special place for women impressed with set of arches painted in a golden border. Ismail Kady acquainted visitors with the worship rituals, which Muslims carry out in the mosque and told about observance of time of the prayer.
Excursion for the high-ranking visitors
At the end of the ceremony the assistant to the Lugansk mayor, Zaza Zuhbay, shared his impressions, having noticed that to him it was "pleasant to see so many believing Muslims seriously treating their religion, especially today when they were overflowed with various feelings".
We just have to assert and believe that the Lugansk Cathedral mosque becomes not only a symbol of unity of Muslims of the region where they can regularly gather, but also one of the main sights of the city.
By arraid.org
Related Links:
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