In Crimea to be Hafiz!

In Crimea to be Hafiz!
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On March, 31st, in Krasnogvardeyskoye Medrese of Hafiz that is in Crimea, took place a solemn action for a case of beginning of teaching of its best students to the Quran by heart. For the Crimean Muslims this event was one more step on a way to revival of high level of spiritual culture and religious education inherent in them.

It is known, that hafiz are Muslims who memorized the Holy Quran by heart. At Islam dawn when the Prophet Muhammad called people for true religion, it became traditional among Muslims to memorize the ayats of the Quran by heart. And during all subsequent times Muslims, leaning against the words of the Prophet glorifying degree of hafiz, tried to become carriers of the Quran and to give corresponding education to their children.

Glorious past

The Crimean Tatars who were initially Muslim people, always remaining faithful to Islam, in the past became famous for their level of spiritual culture and religious education, the outstanding religious figures which majority knew the Quran by heart. At the time of the reign of Muslims, in Crimea was very developed the institute of hafiz. However, as it is known, there was a chain of tragic events by which the history of the Crimean Tatars is sated: Crimea was grasped by the Russian empire, and the oppressions of local population which then started reached the apogee during the Soviet period. When the atheistic communistic doctrine predominated and religious people were considered to be public enemies, the believers who had religious education, including hafiz, were annihilated. There was no possibility to learn children to belief bases.


Now, when the Crimean Tatars returned on their native land, spiritual traditions and culture of these people revive. The Crimean Tatars come back to spiritual sources, take certain steps to this direction. The action which was recently carried out in the town of Kurman-Kemelchi (Krasnogvardeyskoye) became one of such steps directed at this purpose. In Krasnogvardeyskoye Medrese of Hafiz which operates here for the third year, six students started memorizing the Quran by heart. These young men passed all examinations and tests, were chosen from 32 students of the Medrese, and were recognized adequately prepared for this purpose. Thereupon, in Krasnogvardeyskoye Medrese of Hafiz carried out solemn action on March, 31st.

The students admitted to learning of the Quran, and also preparing for it, by tradition read some suras from the Quran, then was said the prayer. Participating the in action the assistant to the Mufti of Muslims of Crimea Enver Nogashev, the assistant to the co-coordinator of Representation of the Spiritual Management of Turkey in Crimea Umer Faruk Dzhan and other visitors highly appreciated the event and the action devoted to it, told about the importance of institute of hafiz in Islam and wished all successes to the students who entered on this path.


In the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Crimea hope that in the near future on the peninsula there well spread the institute of hafiz again and the Crimean-Tatar people, having revived their spiritual traditions, will reach former heights in religious and spiritual knowledge.

The High Medrese of Hafiz, opened in Simferopol in 2003 by Spiritual Management of Muslims of Crimea and the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations “Аlraid” also promotes achievement of this high aim. In this time at school took place two graduations, and its pupils repeatedly represented Ukraine at the international competitions of readers of the Quran.

By the site of “SMMC”

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