Kyiv Muslims Filmed A New Social Ads “Be A Donor!”

Kyiv Muslims Filmed A New Social Ads “Be A Donor!”
Muslim donors in that short movie are supported by the ATO fighter, Police Department officer, doctor and President of Charitable Fund.
Kyiv Muslims Filmed A New Social Ads “Be A Donor!”
This was the second video filmed under request of Muslim Social Initiative “Be A Donor!”; the first one was published earlier this summer and confined to World Donor Day (June 14).
Kyiv Muslims Filmed A New Social Ads “Be A Donor!”
This time the appeal wasn’t abstract, for they took four most frequent situations of the current time when blood donors are needed. This list, however, is not anywhere near to being complete, and searching for healthy donors on the daily basis is literally the only means of survival for many people.
Kyiv Muslims Filmed A New Social Ads “Be A Donor!”
Kyiv Muslims Filmed A New Social Ads “Be A Donor!”
Kyiv Muslims Filmed A New Social Ads “Be A Donor!”
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Another social ads on Blood Donation, second one filmed by Kyiv Muslims, was published today. Muslim donors in that short movie are supported by the ATO fighter from the Christian Special Forces Battalion “Saint Mary” Mr.Alexander Artiukh, Kyiv Police Department officer Mr.Bogdan Shevchuk, doctor at Kyiv City Blood Centre Mr.Olexander Dobrovol’skii and President of Charitable Fund “Zaporuka” (Ukr. “Bond Security”, helping children fight cancer) Ms.Natalia Onipko. This was the second video filmed under request of Muslim Social Initiative “Be A Donor!”; the first one was published earlier this summer and confined to World Donor Day (June 14).

This time the appeal wasn’t abstract, for they took four most frequent situations of the current time when blood donors are needed. This list, however, is not anywhere near to being complete, and searching for healthy donors on the daily basis is literally the only means of survival for many people.

No Donors, No Information
Nonetheless, most Ukrainians don’t even think about it, for people simply don’t know there’s a lack of donated blood and blood donors before this trouble ever touched their relatives or friends.

The State, unfortunately, never uses its informational resources to inform the Ukrainians on this very important matter. The medical workers, at the same time, complain that both Journalists and most donors remember them on the threshold of World Blood Donors Day (June 14) or during some emergency situations, when many people are injured. Many donors come during those short periods of time, and there can be a wrong impression that such a crowd provides enough blood for the country so that the doctors even have to stop collecting blood for some time.

It gives the wrong impression that there’s plenty of blood. But the blood can’t be stored forever; besides, it is used quite quickly — the stock has to be renewed all the time! Regular donors are almost distinct in our country. At the same time, many people around can easily die without donors’ blood. Regular donors are wanted badly — still, there are only a few of them.

Kyiv Muslims couldn’t stand aside. They not only organise Blood Donation Benefits for their adherents since 2012, but also started an informational campaign in order to educate people in this important sphere. First, they made the full list of recommendations and contraindications in a special brochure for Donors (in Russian); and then launched a series of motivators on Facebook which still lasts. As for this year, they decided — if we don’t see Blood Donation Promotional Ads on national television — why not make some on our own? It’s hard to underestimate role of Internet and social media in sharing the information nowadays!

Future Belongs To Unpaid Donors
It bears reminding that “Be A Donor” is a Social Initiative by Ukrainian Muslims that informs people on so much for Blood Donation , and also promoting unpaid donation in the Ukrainian society. It’s the fourth year of the Project’s close cooperation with the doctors from the Kyiv City Blood Centre.

Blood donated for free is the main part of the national blood stock in 62 countries today. As for the Muslims, unpaid blood donation is the only fitting for them, as Islamic scholars are unanimous in the opinion that a person can be payed for Blood or Organs donation only in case of extreme need. Nevertheless, even in such situation making sure that blood donation will harm either the donor nor the recipient is a must.

World Health Organisation also think that the future belongs to unpaid donors, and they even named creating stock of blood donated free of charge before 2020 as one of their main priorities.

For such people save somebody’s life consciously and as a random act of kindness, and thus they have no reason to conceal their illnesses and other obstacles that could lead to transmitting different infections to recipient. At the same time, financial interest often makes people conceal their illnesses preventing them from being donors from the doctor, and that can harm both recipient and the donor.

Be A Donor - Save Lives!
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