Our God, The Great, The One And Only, Please Keep Our Ukraine Safe — Interfaith Prayer In Odessa

Our God, The Great, The One And Only, Please Keep Our Ukraine Safe — Interfaith Prayer In Odessa
Mr. Ghazi Mustafa, Odessa Muslim Community’s representative, spoke about the principles of equality set by Islam, about the need to respect any human being regardless their race of nationality.
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A unique event took place in Odessa on May 23, having united believers of all the city’s confessions. It’s name was “We are all in God's hands”, and it was dedicated to the forthcoming presidential elections.

A horrible tragedy in the city that’s always been known for its tolerance mde al the people with the faith in God in their hearts unite and act in order to prevent anything like this from happening again.

Representatives of the city’s religious communities waited for their turn to appeal to their compatriots and adherents with preaches and held prayers for peace and civil consent.

The event was initiated by an initiative group “Primirenie” (“reconciliation”), supported by the Odessa Region Council's Department for Culture and Tourism.

Representatives of different religious communities came, such as Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate (pater Alexander Philippov), Religious Administration Of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” (Mr. Ghazi Mustafa), Main Rabbi of Odessa and Southern Ukraine Mr. Abraham Wolf, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate (pater Pavel), Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (pater Alexander Smereczynsky), Roman Catholic Church (pater Yuri Nagorniy), German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ukraine (pastor Andrey Hamburg), Armenian Apostolic Church (deacon Arman), “Word of Life” Church (pastor Andrey Bakala), Society of Krishna’s Confession (Ms. Rohini Nanda).

The event was opened with Mr. Alexander Dobroer’s (representative of initiative group “Primirenie”) speech: “We want to pray for all our compatriots asking God for wisdom, blessing, peace for everyone, for our families and our close ones, and also for responsibility and wisdom for those whom we entrust our future.”

The churchmen reminded their parishioners of main values given to the mankind in the Holy Books, where human life is the most precious one.

General Civil Dialogue
Each and all speakers called for the general civil dialogue as the only possible method of regulating the current situation and achieving the long-awaited peace and solving common problems.

Mr. Ghazi Mustafa, Odessa Muslim Community’s representative, spoke about the principles of equality set by Islam, about the need to respect any human being regardless their race of nationality. These principles were established by the Holy Qur’an that gives the only person’s quality who makes them better than the others: “Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.” Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, narrated that there’s no advantage of other people “rather than righteousness and piety.” Mr. Mustafa also reminded of one of the most basic principles of Islam, which is the principle of consulting, which must be the basis of the state authority.

Mr. Alexander Dobroer read the letter from the Main Rabbi of Odessa and Southern Ukraine Mr. Abraham Wolf, where the latter prayed for peace in Ukraine and the quotation of King Solomon: “It’s better to have a home where there’s only dry bread on the table, but peace among the familiars, than a house full of meat with enmity and quarrels among the familiars.”

Representatives of the OSCE Mission in Ukraine were watching over the event and displayed a keen interest in it. There was a public dialogue after the event was over.

We would think like this occasion united all the people present regardless their confession, and be another step on our way to peace, civil consent and prospering. Like Omar Khayyam wrote,

“Hearts with the light of love illumined well,
Whether in mosque or synagogue they dwell,
Have their names written in the book of love,
Unvexed by hopes of Heaven or fears of Hell.”

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