PACE could not Legalize Homosexuality due to Opposition of Churches and Religious Organizations, including Ukrainian

The PACE suggests to recognize officially and legalize homosexuality, having allowed to homosexual couples bring up children
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Delegates of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) could not solve on January, 27th an issue of de jure recognition of unisex "marriages". Preliminary discussion took place, but the voting is transferred on April session that in a certain measure was also promoted by the statement of the head of the Ukrainian delegation in the PACE. Experts consider that the document was not accepted because of opposition to the resolution from Churches and religious organizations, – informs the Institute of Religious Freedom.

Despite cautions of the clergy and pressure of the public, the PACE intends to return to consideration of the draught resolution of this question in the spring and to urge the member of the states of the Council of Europe not to support discrimination of people on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender self-identification.

The PACE suggests recognizing officially and legalizing of homosexuality, having allowed to homosexual couples bring up children.

"Member states of the Council of Europe should provide de jure recognition of unisex partnership, in particular by maintenance of them with the status 'close relatives', and also possibility to be parents for children of each other if the right of each partner to adoption of the child of other partner is not provided", goes in the resolution text.

However on the eve of the session in Strasbourg, the Pope Benedict XVI made the next statement which condemns legalization of unisex marriages, having emphasized that laws which ignore distinction between sexes, are directed against the will of the Creator. The special reference to the delegates of the PACE was also directed by the Russian Orthodox Church, having urged them not to make this decision.

Believers of Ukraine against immoral initiatives

Categorically against the offered resolution of the PASS was the religious public of Ukraine. In circulation to the members of the Constant delegation of Ukraine in the PACE, the All-Ukraine Council of Churches and Religious Organizations stated that it opposes introductions in our state of any initiatives directed on propagation of homosexuality and attempts of legalization of unisex relations. Heads of Churches urged the Ukrainian members of parliament to act and vote against the offered resolution of the PACE.

From its part the Gay-forum of Ukraine reacted to the reference of Churches and published its own declaration and open letter in support of the initiative on protection of the rights of LGBT-communities.

According to IRS, voting by this resolution in the PACE on Wednesday did not take place after the chairman of the Constant delegation of Ukraine Ivan Popesku declared to the chairman about absence of appropriate translation into one of official languages of the PACE of all amendments to the document text that made impossible acquaintance with them of all participants of the session. Also the lecturer on this question Mr. Andreas Gross (Switzerland) noticed that the Committee on legal questions and human rights, despite lacking remarks to the resolution on the eve of the session, received subsequently about 80 amendments from members of parliament among which he had time to check only 35. Therefore he suggested to return a draught of the resolution to the Committee for the purpose of search of consensus and coordination of other brought amendments.

In this connection the PACE made the decision about delay of voting by the resolution directed on legalization of homosexuality, to the following plenary session which will take place from April, 26 till April, 30th. After that in a sessional hall of the PACE took place two-hour debate which did not provide acceptance of any decision.


Related Links:

ACCaRO urges Ukrainian Delegation in PACE Oppose Legalization of Unisex Partnership in Europe

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