Last Acts of Terrorism in Russia: Conclusions for Islamic Studies of Ukraine

Last Acts of Terrorism in Russia: Conclusions for Islamic Studies of Ukraine
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A series of the acts of terrorism which took place in Russia for the last weeks is widely discussed by the leading world mass-media and analytical centers. The great attention is given to the analysis of the reasons and consequences of these tragic events for the further development of sociopolitical processes in the Russian Federation. In the attention centre is also an issue of influence of the resent events on the present model of mutual relations of the Russian state and Islam and change of character of a state policy of Russia concerning Islam.

Not smaller value has a complex of issues connected with influence, impact of the Russian events on political life of other states, first of all those which are neighbors of Russia. Here again the special place is occupied by Ukraine which both on population structure, and on depth of historical roots, traditions, civilization affinity, and on scales of economic, cultural and humanitarian communications has no equals among the former union republics of the CIS.

Owing to it the processes occurring in Russia, have a great influence on external and internal policy of Ukraine.

Therefore it is so important from the point of view of national interests and national safety of the Ukrainian state to comprehend and formulate the main conclusions which the political, economic and spiritually-cultural elite of Ukraine should make of tragic events in the neighboring Russia.

In this context are distinguished the leading problem blocks having a direct relation to the issue "Ukraine and Islam".

The first block. Perhaps, this complex of questions appeared to be the most discussed in the Ukrainian mass-media. It is connected with what consequences may have for Ukraine the course on the accelerated integration into uniform Union State as a part of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. With new force passion round this issue flashed after throwing into the information field of the letter of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation E.Fedorov, with the offer to create the Ukrainian-Belarus-Russian state with the uniform currency and the uniform president. Practically the majority of the Ukrainian analysts – O.Doniy, A.Sushko, V.Portnikov, T.Chornovil and many others are unanimous that retraction of Ukraine into such a state representing, actually, the new model of the Russian empire, may have extremely negative consequences and put under direct threat of terrorism.

Character and orientation of last decisions of the Russian management concerning struggle against terrorism unambiguously showed that the power component of this struggle will amplify. And, apparently from statements of the Russian leaders, it will be accompanied by the further toughening. In the answer will inevitably follow new, more powerful and ruthless attacks of terrorists, on the whole territory of Russia. For control preservation over republics of the North Caucasus and the massed approach to bases of insurgents Armed forces of the Russian Federation already now lack staff. Under press messages, to Caucasus are directed not only skilled contract employees, but also young, not fired recruits. It is easy to predict that in case of occurrence of the Ukrainian army in the structure of uniform all-Russian, very soon Ukrainian guys will serve in the North Caucasus and take part in antiterrorist operations. The answer will not keep itself waiting long – territory of Ukraine, its cities, population, stations, bridges, underground and many other things may become a target of insurgents which will consider Ukraine the accomplice of the all-Russian policy on Caucasus.

From it we can draw a conclusion: in every possible way to develop economic cooperation with Russia, but thus not to allow ourselves to be involved into any joint all-union structures sustaining danger of loss of the state sovereignty.

The second block of questions. It is connected with how acts of terrorism in Russia influence or can affect sociopolitical stability in Ukraine. The major aspect of this problem consists in how events in Russia will affect position of the Ukrainian Muslims.

Here it is necessary to note two basic moments. First, resolute and uncompromising condemnation by Muslims of Ukraine of the acts of terrorism made in Russia. Practically this very day when in the Moscow underground took place explosions, the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" and the all-Ukraine Social Organization "The Ukrainian Centre of Islamic Studies" accepted the Reference to the Russian people in connection with the tragedy in Moscow in which was resolutely condemned this inhumane crime, directed, according to the Ukrainian Muslims, on kindling of international and inter-religious hostility in "the Russian society". It is emphasized that those who organized these crimes, "have neither nationality, nor religion". In fact all world religions condemn terrorism, murder of innocent people in political aims. So, the Holy Quran equates murder of one person to the murder of the whole mankind. The human life in Islam is estimated as the higher gift of the Creator. The Muslim organizations called Russians of all nationalities and creeds, not to give in on provocation, heads of the Muslim organizations were urged to show the maximum diligence in preservation of peace and calmness on the Russian land and in protection of reputation of Islam and Muslims.

At the same time, some politicians and political forces tried to use a new wave of acts of terrorism in Russia for the decision of the problems. In particular, one of the People's Deputies of Ukraine declared in mass-media that it is "a signal from the Muslim world" as acts of terrorism were carried out purposely in the Holy Week, symbolical time for Christians. But after all such words offend feelings and advantage of the Ukrainian Muslims who are an integral part of the Ukrainian society...

Such Crimean political structures as CRO "Russian block" and "Taurian union" did not fail to take advantage of tragic events in Russia, demanded it is no more not less an immediate interdiction of activity in the Crimea Medzhlis of the Crimean-Tatar people as, in their opinion, its members create conditions for possible acts of terrorism in the future. This was considered by the People's Deputy of Ukraine M.Dzhemilev as "provocation". He warned that in a context of events in Russia it is necessary to be afraid of provocation of conflicts between the pro-Russian forces and the Crimean Tatars.

Hopefully the last personnel appointments in Crimea will allow to provide sociopolitical stability, to preserve international and inter-religious peace on the peninsula and to provide forward and complex decision of the ripened politically-legal, social, economic and humanitarian issues of arrangement, adaptation and integration of the Crimean-Tatar people. Thereupon great value had working visit of M.Dzhemilev to Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany in March of this year, his performance on March, 17th, the in European Parliament at hearings about position of the Crimean-Tatar people and problems of restoration of their rights. As a whole performances and numerous meetings of M. Dzhemilev with heads of the European Parliament and the European Union became continuation of system work of the Medzhlis directed on attraction of efforts and possibilities of the international organizations, first of all United Nations institutes, the Council of Europe and OSCE for the decision of issues of returning, arrangement and restoration of the rights of the Crimean-Tatar people.

In a context of realization of strategy of the European integration public authorities, the management of Ukraine should co-ordinate joint efforts in working out and realization of long-term strategy of the decision of the ripened problems of the Crimean Tatars.

The third block of questions and conclusions. Latest events in Russia once again with all sharpness brought attention of Ukraine to the question on necessity of deep working out of a model of the state policy concerning Islam. Such model should include both foreign policy and internal political components. Moreover, it should consider specificity of historical traditions, experience of the Ukrainian people, including its mutual relations with the Islamic world, structure and traditions of the Muslim population of Ukraine. Such model should consider Euro-integrational aspirations of the Ukrainian state; absorb in it all the best that is in the European experience of mutual relations with Islam. It is necessary to consider that Muslims of Ukraine are a component of the all-European Muslim Ummah. It is indicative that one of the leading Muslim structures of Ukraine – Alraid – is included into the Federation of the European Muslim Organizations uniting Muslims of 28 European countries.

In indissoluble interrelation with working out of modern model of a state policy concerning Islam should be prepared other document – Strategy (Strategic reference points) of development of cooperation of Ukraine with the Islamic world. Here should be reflected leading tendencies of the world development, prospect of outlet of the Islamic world on the most advanced boundaries of the modern civilization and the same advantages and benefits which will get Ukraine in case of timely study of this major direction of the foreign policy and external economic strategy. Thus it is necessary to pay attention on how much Ukraine loses owing to elementary miscalculations, misunderstandings, and even sloppiness of some state structures and officials. Here only one very characteristic example of how Ukraine loses chance to considerably improve its image in the Muslim world and to use advantages of deepening of cooperation with this group of the countries. So, in the middle of 2009, a world-wide famous and the most influential organization of the Islamic world as the Organization Islamic Conference (ОIC) addressed to the authorities of our country with the request to assist in carrying out on the territory of Ukraine of the international seminar about position of Muslims in the Eastern Europe. It seems that the Ukrainian officials should know about influence of the OIC, that gives to this or that country of non-Muslim world development of cooperation with it. But, alas, for some months the Ukrainian officials lingered, vindicated themselves with elections and many other reasons, until the expected final came. The OIC addressed to Poland and issue was solved at once. Now this seminar will be held in Poland. There are no doubts that Poland will manage to take advantage as much as possible of this seminar in strengthening of the positions in the Islamic world in interests of its economy.

Hopefully the new management of Ukraine could overcome misunderstanding of roles of the Islamic factor in overcoming of consequences of global financial and economic crisis and outlet of our country on new boundaries of heritage.

Thus, both the new power in Ukraine, and the whole civil society, and the Ukrainian Muslims should seriously comprehend tragic lessons of the last acts of terrorism in Russia. Conclusions and recommendations made on this basis should be very carefully considered at formation of strategy of development of the Ukrainian state at the new historical stage. Effective and full use of huge potential of the Islamic factor and the Islamic civilization should become one of its major components. To reach this is possible on ways of preservation of sociopolitical stability of the Ukrainian society and the further development of the Muslim Ummah of Ukraine in the context of realization of Euro-integration strategy of our country.

Vyacheslav SHVED, the main scientific employee of economic and international relations of the NAS of Ukraine, candidate of history, associate professor, vice-president of the all-Ukraine Social Organization "The Ukrainian Centre of Islamic Studies".


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