Author Of Doctoral Dissertation On Crimean Khanate Thanks Simferopol ICC For Their Help In Her Research

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Having started writing her doctoral dissertation “Crimean Khanate between the rise of Ottoman rule and Russian Conquest” in late 2013, Ms.Sumaya Hamoodah decided not to stick to only foreign sources, but find some on the peninsula itself. Today she is an accomplished scholar and PhD in History at Um Al-Qura University of Makkah. The woman, however, didn’t forget those who helped her with the research, and sent them an inscripted copy of her work.

Dr.Hamoodah tried to make her research many-sided, so she used not only sources in Arabic, but in Turkish, English and Russian as well. Then doctoral candidate had a particular interest in literature that could be found in Crimea.

Having no possibility to travel to Ukraine on her own, she contacted the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Ukraine, where they advised her to contact the Crimean local Islamic Cultural Centre. Local Muslims were understanding of her appeal, and the action began: enthusiasts filled in the questionnaires, searched the necessary literature at the local libraries, scanned it and sent the archives to file hosting service where she could download them.

The research was ready by the end of 2014 and successfully presented early this summer. It’s inscripted complimentary copy is now the marvel of the book collection at the Crimean ICC.

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