Fallen soldier Shamil Rumygin was buried on Dnipro Muslim Cemetry

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At 12:30 of 24 July, last tributes were paid and funeral prayer (janazah) was held over Shamil (Semen) Rumygin (1997-2019), a soldier of 25th Airborne Brigade, who, along with his partner Mykyta Snitchenko, was killed by a guerilla landmine near the town of Shchastia, Luhansk Region, in the morning of 21 July.

Shamil was buried alongside Isa Munaev and Amina Okueva. The rites will be held by Dnipro ICC Imam Edgar Devliqamov, who knew the fallen soldier and provided him with spiritual support and theological advice in his lifetime.

Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Umma" offers the heartfelt condolences to the parents of the fallen soldier, Madzhid and Victoria, to the family whose son volunteered to defend our Homeland just because he did care!

Imam Edgar Devliqamov, who personally knew the hero, notes his extraordinary vitality, sincerity, kindness and justice, along with his thirst for knowledge and the effort he put in living rightfully. Even when going to join the Army,  Shamil came for a spiritual advice in order to know the difference between good and sinful when defending his country and to never cross that line even when on adrenalin on the frontline.

Shamil was a successful student, simultaneously mastering two trades, and had good entrepreneur spirit. He dreamt of having a family on his own one day, based on the Gods rulings. He frequented to the mosque, but never demanded some special treatment for his godliness.

— He knew how to just be himself and cherished that trait, and that’s what I, too, liked about him. I was hoping for him to have a great future. Ukraine has lost a devoted son, Ukrainian Muslims lost a great brother, and his surrounding lost a trusted friend, — notes Sheikh Edgar.

Mufti Said Ismagilov also speaks well of the fallen man:

— I knew him personally, and that was a very sincere, happy and patriotic young man. It was his own decision to join the Army and defend his country that came from the bottom of his heart. And while we could vote, rest and go about our business in our peaceful cities, he was among those who held the fort from spiteful enemies who came here to kill the best among us.

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