On November, 11, in Simferopol took place III Scientific Conference "Cultural-civilization dialogue and ways of harmonization of interethnic and inter-confessional relations in Crimea". Organizers of the Conference are the AUASO "Alraid" together with the Crimean branch of Institute of Oriental Studies of A.E.Krymskiy of the NAS of Ukraine and Taurian National University of V.I.Vernadskiy.
In the conference took part experts from Kiev, Kharkov, Zaporozhye, the AR of Crimea and Sevastopol, among whom there were representatives of scientific institutes, universities, law enforcement authorities, archival establishments, social and religious organizations.
The aim of the action was discussion of pressing issues of history and modern ethno-confessional problems of Crimea, and search of ways of their decision. The Conference participants also considered legal regulation of maintenance of human rights in the sphere of interethnic and inter-confessional relations, the role of social and religious organizations in formation of tolerant relations in Crimea, the role of spiritually-moral education in formation of a tolerant person.
With his greetings words to the participants of the conference addressed the chairman of the AUASO "Alraid" Ismail Kadi, Historical Sciences Doctor, the head of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of Ukraine Alexander Aybabin, the member of Presidium of the Supreme Rada of the ARC Yury Mogarichev, the deputy minister on affairs of family, youth and the gender policy of Ministerial council of the ARC Sergey Zhuchenko, the deputy of the VR of the АRC Alexander Shevtsov.
General attention attracted performance of the Historical Sciences Candidate, the senior lecturer of the chair of political science of TNU Andrey Nikiforov who informed on the Crimean experience of prevention of the interethnic conflict.
The head of the department of ethno-confessional researches of Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of Ukraine Margarita Aradzhioni told about experience of working out and introduction in Crimean educational institutions of a course "Culture of good neighborhood", directed on education of tolerance, objective and benevolent studying of cultural heritage of all people occupying the peninsula.
Ismail Kadi noticed that nowadays it is very important by joint efforts of the society, the state and religious organizations, to carry out concrete measures directed at education at children and youth of respect to high spiritually-moral values, to the Native land, its history and to family institute.
In reports and messages which sounded at the conference, were disclosed positive examples of good-neighborhood coexistence in Crimea of different ethno-confessional communities. During the Conference it was noticed that state structures of Ukraine and the AR of Crimea should make necessary changes to the laws promoting creation of equal and favorable conditions for functioning of national cultures and languages. The majority of the participants agreed that it is necessary for representatives of all authorities to observe the ratified international conventions on rights of ethnic minorities.
Alexander Aybabin especially emphasized that in historical researches, popular scientific publications, political polemic it is necessary to refuse from various political stamps, mutual insults and searches of enemies. It is important to learn to listen each other and to try to understand culture and religion of the neighbor.
As it noted one of the Crimean political scientists, the ethno-political processes proceeding in Crimea, despite complexity and discrepancy, should be studied, as an example of "bad" interethnic peace which, as it is known, is better than the "good" interethnic conflict.
Summing up, organizers noticed that discussion of problems at the similar conferences smoothen vigilance and fear borders between various ethnic groups.
By arraid.org
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