The volunteers of “Maryam” visited the patients of the military hospital once again

In the central military hospital of Kyiv, volunteers of the movement "Maryam" are well known, they regularly visit the patients, ATO veterans
Said Ismagilov: “By the way, today, there are no Muslims among the hospital patients!"
In the central military hospital of Kyiv, volunteers of the movement "Maryam" are well known, they regularly visit the patients, ATO veterans
In the central military hospital of Kyiv
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There are a lot of representatives of many churches and religious organizations among benefactors and volunteers who help the Ukrainian military and Muslims are not exception. In the central military hospital of Kyiv, volunteers of the movement "Maryam" are well known, they regularly visit the patients, ATO veterans, who are treating the injuries received during the battles in the East, or disease developed at the front. Of course, the Muslims never come empty-handed, thanks to donations from the brothers in faith, volunteers of "Maryam" buy meal and cook delicious food for Ukrainian soldiers, carry homemade delicacies in order to brighten up even a little bit  soldiers’ hospital stay.

According to the mufti of the Religious Administrations of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah" Said Ismagilov, the Muslim women, along with the imam-chaplain visited hospital patients one more time, on Monday, March 14. Gifts and foods were given to all ATO soldiers, regardless of their religious creed.

“Today, the women have prepared a large number of hot dishes for the money of chaplaincy and volunteers; they were moving from ward to ward and treating the soldiers on behalf of the Muslim community in Ukraine. The girls really wanted the wounded soldiers to taste delicious, nutritious, healthy, almost homemade food, to feel the warmth and care of not indifferent fellow countrymen, to feel themselves a little more comfortable in the hospital. On the part of the Muslims, it is a contribution to the support of our military: all of them without exception, in spite of religious beliefs!” -  said the mufti of "Ummah", preventing the charges of quasi preconceived attitude of the followers of Islam to the believers of other religions.

“By the way, today, there are no Muslims among the hospital patients! But we have to attend to all of them, because we are the citizens of Ukraine and we must help the soldiers, who run risks, protecting our peaceful life. We do not distinguish between Muslims and non-Muslims, today we treated everyone!”

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