Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”

Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
Action on blood donation was held at the ICC in Kiev
Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
12.1 liters of blood, heartily donated by unpaid donors, will be the rescue for someone
Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
Half an hour of your time can save someone’s life..., — donor of blood
Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
12.1 liters of blood, heartily donated by unpaid donors, will be the rescue for someone
Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
Half an hour of your time can save someone’s life..., — donor of blood
Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
Half an hour of your time can save someone’s life..., — donor of blood
Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
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December 2 wasn’t favorable for moving through the city. Wet snow flakes were falling on the road, making the drivers be more careful and slower than usual. So the organizers of the regular Blood Donor Day at Kyiv ICC were excited from the early morning. They were not sure, whether the potential donors of blood could come in time, or mobile team of Kyiv City blood center would come for nothing at Dehtyarіvska str., 25a. But all fears were in vain – people, who want to do good deeds, aim to help with at least a drop of his blood for the rescue of the health and the lives of others. So they always come, in spite of the weather conditions.

Another thing is that the number of those, wishing to take part in unpaid donation is always higher than those, who successfully pass strict medical examination. In four hours 28 men and women, including Muslims, followers of other religions and even atheists, donated their blood.

Abdurahman Abdurahmanov, who has come to Kyiv especially for taking part in this action, told "Islam in Ukraine", that he had already had the experience of blood donation. He faced the urgent need to share his blood a few years ago when newborn daughter of his friends was in need of intensive care, including blood transfusion.

— Unfortunately, the child could not be saved, but since then I try to donate blood. My blood may save others — children, or adults. We must help each other, as we all are human beings! — says Abdurahman.

For two years Nastya Vishnevskaya has been participating in every action of blood donation in the Islamic Cultural centre:

— I have learned about the blood donor days, held at Kyiv ICC, from my friend — says Nastya. — Firstly, I had doubts. Well, I mean how it is possible to donate blood in unspecialized institution, at mobile team. I didn’t know whether it was clean there or not, but my friend convinced me. So twice a year, I participate in this action. As far as I know, it is not recommended to donate blood more than once in 6 months. But if it was allowed more often, I would do it.

As Nastya says (by the way, she also participates in many other charity events and activities), "simple things" have forced her to the blood donation:

— I truly believe that everyone can count on the help. Half an hour of your time can save someone’s life...

Igor Klepar also is a permanent participant in blood donations that are held in the Kyiv ICC. By the way, that was he who started actively sharing the information on social networks that ICC would gladly receive non-Muslims too, putting himself as an example:
— Why do I donate blood? Because it is my social mission. And why do I donate blood in the mosque? Because we're friends with the Muslims. I am familiar with the mufti ... I have decided to help therefore. I'm a blogger, so as soon as the information appears I take it up, and share it with others, including non-Muslims, in order to draw them. Now it has become a good tradition for the people, — says Igor Klepar.

Petro Rudenko also is not for the first time, as a donor, at the ICC:

— I follow the page of the organizers, their publications and that’s why I always keep abreast of such actions, take part in them. For already three years I have been donating blood every couple of months, if possible. I am a Christian. I am very open to the world, respect for all religions and all cultures. Islamic culture does not contradict my beliefs. It is interesting to me, and in addition, I have Tatar roots.

According to Petro Rudenko, such joint actions, during which people of different faiths and even atheists gather in order to do a really good deed, promote mutual understanding and harmony in the society.

Mobile teams has benefited from the half-day working in the ICC. 12.1 liters of blood, heartily donated by unpaid donors, will be the rescue for someone...

Blood donor day at Kyiv ICC: “We must help each other as we all are human beings!”
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