Russians caused significant damages of Mariupol Mosque

Russians caused significant damages of Mariupol Mosque
“Zvezda” Channel released footage showing damage to the mosque building and destruction of elements of the complex: bullet marks on the mosque walls, broken windows, destroyed stair railings and a fountain for washing in the mosque courtyard.
Russians caused significant damages of Mariupol Mosque
“Zvezda” Channel released footage showing damage to the mosque building and destruction of elements of the complex: bullet marks on the mosque walls, broken windows, destroyed stair railings and a fountain for washing in the mosque courtyard.
Russians caused significant damages of Mariupol Mosque
“Zvezda” Channel released footage showing damage to the mosque building and destruction of elements of the complex: bullet marks on the mosque walls, broken windows, destroyed stair railings and a fountain for washing in the mosque courtyard.
Russians caused significant damages of Mariupol Mosque
“Zvezda” Channel released footage showing damage to the mosque building and destruction of elements of the complex: bullet marks on the mosque walls, broken windows, destroyed stair railings and a fountain for washing in the mosque courtyard.
Russians caused significant damages of Mariupol Mosque
“Zvezda” Channel released footage showing damage to the mosque building and destruction of elements of the complex: bullet marks on the mosque walls, broken windows, destroyed stair railings and a fountain for washing in the mosque courtyard.
Russians caused significant damages of Mariupol Mosque
Russians caused significant damages of Mariupol Mosque
Russians caused significant damages of Mariupol Mosque
Russians caused significant damages of Mariupol Mosque
Russians caused significant damages of Mariupol Mosque
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Mariupol mosque of Suleiman and Roxolana suffered serious damages as a result of actions of Russian occupiers.

According to the head of the “EkoAvrasya-Ukrayna" Foundation, Turkish businessman Ismail Hadzioglu, who coordinated the evacuation of Turkish citizens from Mariupol, there were no Turkish citizens in the mosque during the shelling, whose "heroic" release was reported by Russian propaganda media.

Before, Russian channels reported on a "lightning special operation" in which "hostages held by nationalists" were as if released and 29 armed persons were killed.

“There were 9 citizens of Ukraine in the mosque, two of them were security guards of the mosque, the rest were people whose homes were destroyed.  There were no 150 people which is said by Russian television," - Ismail Hadzioglu wrote.

At the same time, the main mouthpiece of the Nazi forces, “Zvezda” Channel, released footage showing damage to the mosque building and destruction of elements of the complex: bullet marks on the mosque walls, broken windows, destroyed stair railings and a fountain for washing in the mosque courtyard.

Ismail Hajioglu also said that the number of Turkish citizens and members of their families still remaining in Mariupol is 24 people.

We remind you that this is the third mosque in Ukraine that has suffered since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion.  The mosque in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk Oblast, and the “Bismillah” Islamic Cultural Center in Severodonetsk, Luhansk Oblast, were damaged by the occupiers’ actions.

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KashifKhan's picture

Ас-саламу алейкум, брат Ахмед Тамим, Верховный муфтий Украины. Надеюсь, вы в безопасности и здоровы в нынешнем конфликте. Меня беспокоит бедственное положение ни в чем не повинных мусульман, вовлеченных в войну. Я вырос в Лондоне и гражданин Великобритании. Хочу выйти замуж после развода 6 лет назад. Я хотел бы, чтобы ваша помощь, если женщина-мусульманка, вдова, разведенная или незамужняя, хочет выйти замуж, я предлагаю жениться на ней, и, иншалла, обеспечить уважительный и любящий халяльный брак. Я могу выслать вам свои данные, и если семья или женщина заинтересуются, я предложу ей Найку либо в Украине, если она в безопасности, либо здесь, со мной. Я буду благодарен вам за вашу помощь в этом святом намерении, и да поможет нам всем Аллах Амин С уважением Кашиф Хан

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