In Simferopol Took Place Book Presentation of E. Muratova "Islam in Modern Crimea: Indicators and Problems of Revival".

The monograph is devoted to the analysis of key indicators and problematic aspects of the process of revival of Islam in the modern Crimea.
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Today on October, 7, in the Crimean Republic institution "The Crimean Tatar Library of I. Gasprinsky" in Simferopol took place presentation of the book of the PhD of Political Sciences, the associate professor of Political Science of the Tauride National University of V.I. Vernadsky, the director of the Crimean Institute of Peace Elvira Muratova "Islam in modern Crimea: indicators and problems of revival".

According to the news agency QHA, the book was published by the PE "Elyinyo" in 2008. Its circulation reached 1000 copies.

"The monograph is devoted to the analysis of key indicators and problematic aspects of the process of revival of Islam in the modern Crimea", the author, Elvira Muratova, noted.

According to her, the monograph covers a wide range of issues related to the institutionalization of Islam in Ukraine, the role of the Mejlis in the revival of Islamic culture of the Crimean Tatars, the place of Islam in the emerging network of interfaith relations on the peninsula.

The author also draws attention to the fact that the revival of Islam in Crimea, accompanied by the emergence of a number of problems associated with the normalization of the religious life of Muslims, the state-Islamic and interfaith relations.

"Due to the efforts of the press the process of Islamic revival in Crimea is often associated with radical extremism, which in no way encourages interfaith relations on the peninsula", Muratova emphasized.


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