25 Thousand Of Ukrainian Children Victims of Israeli "Hunting for Bodies"

Searches for children brought to "Israel" led to transplants
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Loud charge of "Israel" in kidnapping of Ukrainian children sounded from Ukrainian writer Vyacheslav Gudin. The writer states that for two years more than 25 thousand of Ukrainian children became victims of Israeli "hunting for bodies", informs "Islam for all".

Israeli newspaper "Gaarets" writes that the Ukrainian philosopher and the writer made such a statement at academy session in Kiev on which were present about 300 persons.

To confirm his words Gudin told a story of aUkrainian citizen who went to "Israel" on search of 15 Ukrainian children which were adopted by local families.

As it states the source, it was not possible to find children, and investigation traces brought him to the hospitals of "Israel". Gudin stated that such an information should be accessible to all Ukrainians that they have learnt the truth about Zionists, writes "Gaarets".

Let's remind that two years ago took place the sensational scandal which originator was a citizen of "Israel" Michael Zis accused of "black transplantology."

Zis was detained on October, 13th, 2007 in Donetsk on demand of the law enforcement bodies which accused him in recruitment of donors for transplantation of human organs.

However, as the representative of interests of Michael Zis in Ukraine informed journalists before, on his arrival to "Israel" Zis was released, as before the court changed the preventive punishment.

Also it is necessary to remind of the incident which took place several months ago between Sweden and "Israel". The Swedish journalist published in the "Aftonbladet" newspaper an article where Israeli military men are accused of murder of Palestinians for donor bodies.

By "Islam for all"

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