Meaning Translation of Quran into Ukrainian Published

"Texts of the meanings of the Quran are so deep and pure that when you investigate the essence of the ayats as if you plunge into the substance of your essence. It is impossible to render this feeling verbally", Valery Basyrov.
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Various parts of the Quran were translated into the Ukrainian language before, but completely the Holy Scripture was published just now — in Simferopol. Writer Valery Maghafurovich Basyrov translated and published the Holy Scripture of Muslims.

The writer considers as the beginning of the work on the Quran the records made by him at the bed of his dying mother which he names parables and which are written in a manner similar to the Quranic - all lines are numbered, for each parable is observed through numbering.

"I started to consider holy texts in more detailed way, - stated Basyrov in his interview to "Kievskiye vedomosti". - In 1988 the writer Riza Fazyl addressed to me with request to publish the Quran in the Crimean-Tatar language. There were two more editions later".

"Once I thought: why not to acquaint readers with the Quran in the Ukrainian language, nevertheless it is the Book of books of one of world religions. Moreover, I translated the meanings of the Quran for already more than ten years. And here I finished this work".

The writer and the editor Valery Maghafurovich Basyrov

The writer and the editor Valery Maghafurovich Basyrov

According to V.Basyrov, translation of meanings of the Quran became his main achievement as a writing person. "Texts of the meanings of the Quran are so deep and pure that when you investigate the essence of the ayats as if you plunge into the substance of your essence. It is impossible to render this feeling verbally", Basyrov shared his thoughts.

By the invitation of the Crimean-Tatar writers, Basyrov moved from Khmelnitskiy to Crimea, and on the money which he got from the sale of his apartment, he bought a house in Simferopol in which court yard he constructed a two-storeyed building where he situated a publishing house in which is annually published up to 100 titles of books.

For a while the Ukrainian translation of meanings of the Holy Quran will spread in Crimea. The writer intends to present the Quran on book fairs in 2010. "There are already orders from other regions. If there will be an interest I will repeat the circulation", he noted.

Let's remind that the full translation of the Quranic meanings on the Ukrainian language was also performed by the post-graduate student of the National university "Ostrozhskaya academy" Michael Yakubovich. Separate parts of his translation were printed in the "Kiev Rus" magazine.

By "Kievskie Vedomosti"

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