Permissiveness and Immorality are Main Causes of Infertility in Ukraine

Experts of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine allocate two principal causes which lead to infertility - sexually transmitted infections and abortions
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Every fifth couple in Ukraine suffers on infertility which main causes are defined by the Ministry of Health - sexually transmitted infections and abortions.

The approximate number of Ukrainian couples which cannot have children makes from one to three millions. About it on January, 26th, in Simferopol, during training for the journalists, which was carried out within the limits of the project "Together to health" informed the national trainer concerning reproductive health from the USAID organization, practicing gynecologist Victoria Verenich.

According to QHA, experts of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine allocate two principal causes which lead to infertility - sexually transmitted infections and abortions.

More often to interruption of undesirable pregnancy resort people of low social origin, students, and cases of interruption of pregnancy by teenagers from 12 till 17 years recently became rather frequent.

As well as in civilized countries where the personal liberty is put above social advantage and the family institute is sacrificed to sexual permissiveness, the national trainer concerning reproductive health called for prevention of undesirable pregnancy, i.e. to the use of contraceptives.

"And it is even better, to talk with young generation and to give them instruction on correct use of contraceptives for the purpose of reduction of abortions and its consequences", the gynecologist added.

However, similar measures, as well as the use of condoms for protection against sexually transmitted infections, are directed on struggle against consequences. To improve the nation and to inhale life in dying off institute of family and family values is possible only by means of revival of morals and belief in God.


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