"Alraid" Realizes Project on Restoration of Crimean-Tatar Schools

"Alraid" Realizes Project on Restoration of Crimean-Tatar Schools
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With the uneasy economic situation which developed during the last years in Ukraine, considering the crisis, which influenced our country, the government allocates much less means for the support and development of the cultural inheritance of national minorities. Some of them finance themselves independently, without waiting for the help from the state, but there are also such which are not in condition to collect means for development of their own cultural program. After all, each people strive to keep their native language, culture and traditions. All of us understand that it is a duty of everyone! And what to begin with, as not from our children, the only heirs of all cultural riches.

Contemporary history of the Crimean Tatars since the middle of the XXth century is not to be envied. The Soviet authorities arranged every possible reprisals for these people, and with the coming to power of Stalin , they were deported to Siberia and Central Asia. In the beginning of the 90-s' of the last century when Ukraine became independent, the Crimean Tatars could return again to their Motherland. But during their absence, nobody "looked after their goods". Having returned, they found practically nothing. Until now the people can not restore their own houses, schools, museums and national sights. On finding themselves in such an uneasy situation, the Crimean-Tatar minority hopes to get help from the congenial people, capable to promote preservation of language and culture which strongly intertwines with the world culture of Islam. Considering that fact that the Crimean Tatars are the part of a Muslim society, and Islam obliges to assist Muslims in need, the AUASO "Alraid" supports Muslims of Ukraine, including cultural sphere, too.

Shortly the Association together with the Islamic bank of development started realization of a new project on reconstruction and restoration of national Crimean-Tatar schools, which are about 15 on the peninsula. To keep the remained number of educational institutions which could survive since the Second World War till nowadays, "Alraid" gradually puts charitable means for the good of worthy education of younger generation of the Crimean-Tatar people. Besides reconstruction of an external part of a building and a careful repair inside, money is allocated for acquisition of new class furniture and necessary equipment for the effective educational process, and also textbooks and computers. Thus, schoolboys can get a worthy education, as the other students: to come to the repaired school, to use new school desks, to get their textbooks and to master programming bases. And certainly, first of all, to be educated in a native language, to learn the culture and to get a deep knowledge of their own history, as a part of the history of Islam.

By arraid.org

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