Separate Compartments for Men and Women to Introduce in each Train

The state administration of the railway transportation of Ukraine ("Ukrzaliznytsya") since 2006 already tested such system as a part of seven trains.
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Since May, 30th of this year in each passenger train compartments will be divided on "male" and "female", press-service of "Ukrzaliznytsya" informs.

The state administration of the railway transportation of Ukraine ("Ukrzaliznytsya") since 2006 already tested such system as a part of seven trains. However, the innovation does not mean that from the end of May all compartments in trains will be divided exclusively on "male" and "female". As it is explained in the department press centre, the quantity of "separate" compartments entirely will depend on demand from consumers. For example, as soon as "male" compartment is filled and there is a lonely man who refuses to go with ladies, especially for him is formed new one, and the ticket for which will not be sold to woman. If the passenger does not demand it, he is sent to a mixed compartment. In any case, special wishes will not be reflected in ticket cost in any way.

Here only during the summer period when a stream wishing to leave in a southern direction is especially huge, the system can give failure, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Ukraine states. After all, according to the new system to the passengers, refusing to travel in a mixed company, one could not place the fellow traveler of a different sex any more. It turns out that or in a train some compartments will be half-filled, or it is necessary to refuse from separate compartments.

The presence of the given service is very important for the Ukrainian Muslims, as it was stated before. Besides, the system of separate compartments is in demand among other Ukrainian passengers, mainly women. So, according to the press-service of the Odessa railway where such system works since 2002, the tickets sold in separate compartments make 95,8 % from quantity of the offered.

Nowadays it is possible to use this service only by several fast trains, and four of them ply from Odessa to Moscow, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov, two more — from Kiev to Truskavets and Lvov. The tickets price are at the same level of the usual compartment and it is possible to purchase it, having addressed to the cashier with the corresponding request.

By "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Ukraine

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In Ukrainian Trains are Offered Separate Male and Female Compartments

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