Situation with Cathedral Mosque in Simferopol is Noted in US State Department Report

In the report it is stated that "the city council cancelled its previous decision on allocation of the land area for the building of the mosque in February, 2008, and allocated a site in an undesirable place".
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The situation with preventing to building of the Cathedral mosque in Simferopol is noted in the annual report of the US State department published one of these days on a condition of human rights in the world countries.

In the report it is stated that "the city council cancelled its previous decision on allocation of the land area for the building of the mosque in February, 2008, and allocated a site in an undesirable place".

Except preventing to building of a cult construction of the Crimean Muslims, in the State department report are mentioned other certificates of discrimination of the Crimean-Tatar people.

In particular, the Crimean Tatars are insufficiently represented in the Crimean and national parliaments. Making 13 percent of the population of the peninsula, the Tatars have eight places from 100 in the representative body of Crimea. Only one Crimean Tatar is the deputy of the national parliament.

As it is marked in the report, the Crimean Tatars assert that discrimination from the local officials deprives them of equal possibilities for employment in local administrations and that propaganda campaigns, in particular, of the pro-Russian groups, brings up hatred to them among other inhabitants.

In the document is also noted unequal access of the Crimean Tatars to the land property.

Moreover, the US State Department marks cases of display of racial and national intolerance concerning gypsies and other persons of the non-Slavic appearance. In the country are noticed incidents of violence and discrimination of women and children.

The serious infringer of human rights in Ukraine is militia. There are cases of abuse from the power structures, including beatings and tortures of arrested people and prisoners, severe conditions in prisons, excessive application of force at arresting, illegal and long imprisonment before the trail. Moreover, the authors of the document mark the inefficient and corrupted system of justice.

Serious problem for Ukraine is also human traffic.

By QHA and other mass-media

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