Muslims of Kiev Met "in Shadow of Nobleness and Beauty..."

The Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Indonesian Republic in Ukraine, Madam Dra Ninig Suningsih Rohdiat
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"Committee on Women and Family of the AUASO "Alraid", the Female Social Organization "Маryam "invites all interested to attend a spring meeting "In the shadow of nobleness and beauty …" Those who responded to this intriguing invitation, could estimate importance of the meeting and its actuality, as experience shared even the Ambassador of Indonesia in Ukraine.

The conference hall of the Islamic Social Cultural Centre in Kiev blossomed on March, 27th, in a new fashion, and not only from refined ornaments, but also from presence of such a favorably disposed audience. By the way, at the meeting were present not only Muslims, but also many people who are interested in Islam, its culture and doctrines. But the most important thing is that the hall was filled by the freshening and pleasant thoughts sounding from lips of well prepared lecturers. And the adjusted feedback in the form of questions of listeners and answers to them recovered atmosphere for the best perception of the information.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Verily, each religion has its temper, and, verily, the temper of Islam is modesty". This is the key proof that modesty is not a lack, but the advantage which is rewarded by the Almighty. Shortage of this quality led modern society to a pitiable condition. However, the Muslim society is protected from it. "Sincere obedience to the Almighty brings easiness and liberation", such is a conclusion of the second lecturer which did not leave any doubts that an attire of a pious woman is not an occasion to sympathy from others, but a strong proof of belief and following to the instructions of the Quran. The question, "Does a free woman need liberation?" became a logical continuation of this topic. It seems to someone that a woman in Islam is oppressed. But they are not familiar with the fact that it was Islam who first granted to women freedom and rights (spiritual, civil, social, and political). "Islam did not deprive women of freedom, unless only freedom of dissoluteness, obscenity and debauchery".

"In the modern world the woman is not the keeper of the family hearth, not the tutor of the future generations any more, but a change, a beautiful label for the goods", this thought from the report "Crisis of spirituality of the modern world: search for a woman?" makes sober. It seems that a woman is not on her place, and realizes herself, opens her potential not how she should by her nature. For girls of our country where this crisis develops, will be useful practical advices about importance of a family, how to choose the partner of life, how to build relations and how to marry according to the norms of Islam. After all, in the Quran it is poetically stated, "They are your garments and ye are their garments" (The Holy Quran, 2:187).

Willingly and with a great interest present men and women listened about the political system in Indonesia and about the position occupied with women there. Experience of Indonesia shows that a Muslim woman can bring considerable contribution to the state development. The Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Indonesian Republic in Ukraine, Madam Dra Ninig Suningsih Rohdiat kindly agreed to share this information, having left in the hearts of the Kiev Muslims desire and hope that in our country it will be also possible free activity of women covered with scarves in all spheres of the society.


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