Crimean Tatars do not Pose Threat for Ukraine, - Doniy

"As to Crimea, there ethnic groups connected with Islam, that is the Crimean Tatars, are patriotic to the Ukrainian state and do not pose any threat to the state or the population", O.Doniy commented.
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The Crimean Tatars do not pose threat to the state or the population of Ukraine. And events in Russia connected with explosion in the Moscow underground are an example of how stay in structure where there are enslaved people, can lead to threat of life of the peaceful population. Such an opinion in the comment in connection with explosions in the Moscow underground on March, 29th, 2010, stated the People's Deputy of Ukraine, the member of fraction OU-NS Oles Doniy to the edition For-UA.

"Ukraine is not threatened at all with terrorism, because Ukraine is a tolerant country. In Ukraine there are no separatist movements which would try to be disconnected from our country. But events in the neighbor state is an example of how stay in structure where there are enslaved people, can lead to threat of life of peaceful population", Doniy noted, having added that, "it is the telling argument for those state officials who wish to lose the Ukrainian sovereignty and wish to drag Ukraine into a new model of the Russian empire or the Soviet Union".

In opinion of the people's deputy, it is necessary to remember that, "they behind personal mercantile interests are ready to throw Ukraine and our fellow citizens into stranger conflicts, to threaten with terrorism".

Except actually act of terrorism, the people's deputy also commented on possible insinuations concerning the persons who are practicing Islam in Ukraine, and in Crimea in particular, "As to Crimea there ethnic groups connected with Islam, that is the Crimean Tatars, are patriotic to the Ukrainian state and do not pose any threat to the state or the population".

"Moreover, the Crimean-Tatar liberation movement in the Soviet Union was an example of carrying out of peaceful actions of a nonviolent resistance movement, and all slander not only does not represent the facts, but also offends the people", Oles Doniy considers.

"In Crimea there is a display of a different separatism which is not connected with Islam and the Crimean Tatars. Here we speak about the Russian nationalism which is warmed up from the outside and is directed on separation of Crimea in favor of Russia", the people's deputy noticed.

Let us remind that when in the morning on March, 29th, in Moscow at the underground-stations "Lubyanka" and "Culture Park" with an interval in 45 minutes took place explosions, Russian active workers of Crimea started to panic and decided to take advantage of the commonly-compressed situation in the world, having made rash statements about the Medzhlis of the Crimean-Tatar people.

The Crimean republican organization of a party "Russian Block" demands to forbid activity of the Medzhlis immediately.

The organization active addressed to the President of Ukraine,Victor Yanukovych, the Prime Minister of the country, Nikolay Azarov, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Anatoly Mogilev, with the request to take measures "on suppression of anti-lawful and antisocial activity of an illegal grouping "kurultay-medzhlis" to eliminate one of possible sources of terrorism in Crimea and not to admit tragedy which shook Russia and the whole world on March, 29th, 2010".


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