Kharkov Muslims Shocked by Acts of Terrorism in Moscow Underground

"Muslims cannot bear responsibility for crimes of terrorists. Their actions contradict Islamic doctrine, and completely contradict the order of the Quran", Evgeniy, a Muslim, told to "ATN".
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The message about acts of terrorism in the Moscow underground shocked the Kharkov Muslims not less than the others. Since then some Muslims try not to use underground, and the regional Islamic organization asks mass-media not to focus attention on the creed of the terrorists.

In Ukraine the attitude to the followers of Islam differs from the attitude of people in the countries where there are acts of terrorism, the director of Kharkov Islamic Cultural Centre Otman Shadi told in his interview to the regional news agency "АTN". Therefore Social Organization "Al-Manar" already prepared a letter for the embassy of Russia in Ukraine with the request not to focus attention on the creed of the terrorists.

"We in Ukraine do not have such fear, as in other countries. If in Russia there are real challenges on Caucasus, here in Ukraine there are no such problems, thanks God", Otman stated.

There is no world religion which would encourage murders of innocent people, Evgeniy, a Muslim, told "АТN".

"Muslims cannot bear responsibility for crimes of terrorists. Their actions contradict Islamic doctrine, and completely contradict the order of the Quran", he emphasized.


After tragic events in Moscow, the Kharkov Muslims are shocked not less than the others and not in the last instance by reaction of inhabitants of the capital to representatives of Islam. In particular, on a case when two girls in scarves were attacked by a man who pushed out girls from an underground. This event is not proved by Russian militia, after all the fact was not fixed by them. They were simply not present at the time of the event, inform the Russian mass-media.

The citizen of Kharkov, Anastasia, who wears a scarf the third year, asserts that in this time she practically did not meet aggressive reactions. After the acts of terrorism she freely uses underground. As she says, no one pays special attention to her.

"There were no any statements in my address, any distrustful looks, or talks behind my back", Anastasiya tells.

However not all Ukrainian Muslims agree that attitude to them after the acts of terrorism did not change.

Islamophobic statement of a Ukrainian politician

Special concern of the followers of Islam cause short-sighted statements of some Ukrainian politicians which directly connect explosions in the Moscow underground with Muslims.

So, the deputy of the Supreme Council Vladimir Yavorivsky from Yulia Timoshenko Block offended all Muslims having declared, that, "naturally, it is a signal from the Muslim world". "I also do not exclude that this act of terrorism was carried out deliberately in the Holy Week, symbolical time for Christians. It once again confirms that it is a signal of Muslims", Yavorivsky is quoted by the "New region".

It would be desirable to remind this deputy that Muslims are for a long time a part of the Ukrainian society and they acted with resolute condemnation of the acts of terrorism in the Moscow underground, naming them "brutal" and directed "on kindling of international and inter-religious hostility in the Russian society".

Moreover, yesterday the SMMU "Ummah" and the AUASO "Alraid" extended the reference to mass-media, public and statesmen in which they urged not to identify Islam and Muslims with terrorism, to show prudence and not to admit kindling of interethnic and inter-confessional enmity.

By "АТN"

Related Links:

Ukrainian Muslims Call Mass-Media and Politicians not to Identify Islam with Terrorism

Ukrainian Muslims Resolutely Condemn Act of in Moscow Underground

Spiritual Management of Muslims "Ummah" Urges Stop Islamophoby Kindling in Ukraine

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