AIDS Epidemic in Ukraine will be Struggled by Education of Morals and Responsible Sexual Behavior

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The Ukrainian legislators at last understood that for successful overcoming of epidemic of AIDS/HIV in the country it is necessary first of all to propagandize among the population healthy and moral way of life, cultural wealth and responsible behavior in the sphere of sexual relations. They also suggest involving charitable and religious organizations into information work.

Such positions contain in registered in the Supreme Council of Ukraine on April, 6th, bill of modification of the Law of Ukraine “About prevention of disease of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and population social protection”.

The author of the initiative, the People's Deputy Pavel Unguryan (BYT), suggests to define as a priority information work on preventive maintenance of distribution of the HIV-infection and to involve in it charitable and religious organizations, informs Institute of Religious Freedom.

The bill №6276 suggests complementing the existing lay by a number of positions which place emphasis on “informing the population to principles of healthy and moral way of life, cultural wealth and responsible behavior in the sphere of sexual relations”.

It is mentioned in a context of the general guarantees of the state in preventive maintenance of distribution of the HIV-infection, and also “working out of educational programs for students of secondary and high educational institutions”, population informing through mass-media, inclusion into curriculums of educational institutions of different level of special educational subjects and as a result – education at the population of stereotypes of moral and responsible behavior.

The project provides “maintenance of wide information and rehabilitation work, in particular with attraction of representatives of the charitable, social and religious organizations on prevention of distribution of the HIV-infection”.

Moreover, the author suggests to provide the state assistance “to participation of the charitable, social, religious organizations in information work on counteraction of distribution of the HIV-infection, granting of charitable help, medical and social services directed on maintenance of prevention of distribution of the HIV-infection, leaving, support of the HIV-infected persons and population social protection, including providing of access of the specified organizations in an order established by the legislation, to participation in performance of the state order for information work on counteraction of distribution of the HIV-infection, granting of medical and social services to HIV-positive people”.

“Despite increase in level of financing, every year quantity of the HIV-infected people increases”, Pavel Unguryan noted. In his opinion, it testifies to “infectivity of the existing legislation and government programs in the sphere of counteraction to distribution of AIDS/HIV”.

Let us remind that the Social Council at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine concerning cooperation with the all-Ukraine Council of Churches and religious organizations in December, 2009 considered a similar question at the session. By results of discussion the Social Council directed references to the management of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Education and to the National Council on counteraction of tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in which it urgently recommended to stop propagation of sexual relations by “motivation to use of condoms”, especially among children of school age.

The social council at the Ministry of Health noticed that programs and campaigns for the HIV-infection prevention should among other propagandize traditional spiritual, morally-ethical and cultural values, in particular abstention from the early beginning of sexual life and illegitimate sexual relations that are the most effective remedies of preventive maintenance of AIDS/HIV disease.


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