Mamut-Sultan Village Council Disturbs Muslim Cemetery

Local Muslims prior to the beginning of the meeting with representatives of the village council visited a cemetery where they read a prayer. (The Photo: QHA)
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The Mamut-Sultan (Dobrovsky) village council suggests to transfer a Muslim cemetery in the village of Tav-Eli (Кrasnolesye). Such an offer was stated by representatives of the village council on Wednesday, April, 14th, in the village of Tav-Eli during the meeting of citizens.

Representatives of the village council reasoned the offer that the Muslim cemetery located in the village of Tav-Eli, ostensibly, is a "self-capture", and does not correspond to a general layout of the village and a sanitary code.

Also, representatives of local authorities notice that they learnt about the Muslim cemetery in 2005, and the same year the executive committee of the village council made the decision under No 65 from 14.04.05 about closing of this Muslim cemetery. However, according to inhabitants of the village, nobody gave to them such information.

According to the secretary of the village council Aleksandr Emelyanov, the executive committee decision was accepted in 2005, and in 2008 was confirmed the village general layout, according to which near the Muslim cemetery were allocated land areas to citizens of Ukraine for building of individual houses. Inhabitants of the village are assured that this is the main reason of such behavior of local authorities.

"They sold the land areas, but did not take care that, according to a sanitary code, is necessary to leave 300 meters in radius from a working cemetery. Now, it turns out, it is necessary to observe norms at the expense of the cemetery transfer. At the cemetery closing, the sanitary zone will make 100 meters in radius. Land tidbits were already distributed. You see, what magnificent nature is here, and how expensive is the land? That is why the cemetery disturbs", the Imam of the mosque of Eki-Tash, the village of Tav-Eli, Dilyaver Kadyev, said to QHA.

Besides, the Imam noticed that the cemetery started to function since 1995, and the location of the land area for it was shown to the head of Mamut-Sultan village-council Gennady Kaluzhin.

"They are cunning in the village council, saying that they did not know about cemetery existence. The head of the village council personally showed the given land area and gave building materials for the cemetery accomplishment", the Imam said.

According to the Imam, the village council executive committee suggested to make first exhumation of remains buried, and they are 18, and to re-bury them in another place. "We informed them that according to Islamic canons, exhumation is forbidden and there will be no re-burying. After that, they started to insist that the cemetery should be preserved and new burials started on a new site where it allows a sanitary code", D.Kadyev informed.

In the course of the meeting and the conciliatory proposal was not accepted.

The Muslims living in the village of Tav-Eli, do not intend to concede as the site under the cemetery was given to them by the head of the village council and, as they said, he "had to consider all problems, concerning lands of the area of "Green hills".

The Muslim community intends to spend on April, 17th, the meeting on accomplishment of the cemetery and its protection. The authorities insist on transferring and threaten that in case of conciliatory proposal nonacceptance they will meet Muslims in the court.

As it informed the deputy of the Mamut-Sultan village council, Abibe Sidorova, for April, 19th, is planned the meeting on this point in question with participation of the initiative group from among Muslims, deputies of the village council and the head of the Mamut-Sultan village council, Gennady Kaluzhin.


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