Well-Known Islamic Scholars Read Lectures for Ukrainian Muslims

Sheikh At-Trad in Donetsk
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The well-known scholar, the lecturer of Shariat faculty of the Kuwaiti university, Dr. Tareq At-Tawari and the councilor of scholars of the Arabian gulf, moderator of the web-site "Islam for all" Sheikh Walid Ben Rashid At-Trad visited Ukraine and participated in several seminars which took place in different regions of the country.

In the first day of their visit the visitors participated in a cultural meeting in the Islamic Cultural Centre of Kiev. The meeting topic was devoted to "Advantage of the Quran and our duties towards the "Holy Book of the Almighty".

Lecture of Sheikh At-Tawari in Kharkov
Lecture of Sheikh At-Tawari in Kharkov

Then Sheikh At-Tawari went to Kharkov where he took part in the cultural seminar organized by the Social Organization "Al-Manar". The Sheikh delivered lectures "What my accessory to Islam means?" and "Display of belief and its basis".

In his turn, sheikh At-Trad visited Donetsk where he delivered a lecture "Ten reasons to live a life happily" in the Islamic Cultural Centre.

For the second day of the visit the dear visitor participated in the family seminar, organized by the Social Organization "Al-Amal" where he told about "Marriage relations in Islam".

By arraid.org

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Well-known Islamic Scholar visited Ukraine

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