Project on Assisting Crimean-Tatar Schools will be Continued

Project on Assisting Crimean-Tatar Schools will be Continued
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The project "Humanitarian help on strengthening of material base of the Crimean-Tatar schools" which is realized in Crimea by joint efforts of the Islamic Bank of Development, the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid", and the Association of the Crimean-Tatar Educators "Maarifchi", will be continued. On it edition "Crimean world" was informed by the chairman of the Crimean branch of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid", Doctor Ali Mohammed Taha.

As it was noted by Dr. Taha, representatives of the Islamic Bank in the course of their visit to Crimea, having noted the reached good results of the project, execution of arrangements between project partners, consider possibility of realization of the given project at the rest of the schools of the peninsula.

"The project will be continued, - Mohammed Taha noted. – We started to collect the data about these schools, directed documents after acknowledgement reception".

As it was informed earlier, during the project realization, which curator is "Alraid" with support of the Islamic Bank of Development and with the assistance of "Maarifchi", were restored nine Crimean-Tatar schools in different regions of Crimea. The financial help of the Islamic Bank of Development allowed to make large repair work: reconstruction of buildings, rooms and subject offices which are equipped by the modern equipment at schools with the Crimean-Tatar language of instruction for just half a year.

During the visit which took place from April, 8, till April, 11th, in Crimea of representatives of the Islamic Bank, took place official presentations of three schools: general educational school No 3, Sudak, No 5, Bakhchisarai, and school No 18 Ismail-bey, the city of Kezlev (Evpatoria).

As it was noted by Ali Mohammed Taha, were bought office equipment and equipment for educational offices, nutrition units, educational workshops and medical office, and also electronic library on physics, chemistry and biology, two schools are fenced by an external fence.

As he said, the project purpose is the support of education in the Crimean-Tatar schools of the peninsula.

"In the beginning of realization of the project we visited schools together with representatives of the Islamic Bank, defined, what each school requires. After we received acknowledgement from the Islamic Bank, we started realization of the given project", Dr. Taha added.

According to the head of the branch of the AUASO "Аlraid" in Simferopol, the given work went in parallel with acquisition of the equipment for schools.

"Equipment for schools was ordered and bought, - he noted. - Therefore for rather short term we could realize and finish this project, and representatives of the Islamic Bank were surprised that we could manage to make everything in half a year. Preliminary we defined what each school requires. For example, some schools did not require repair, among them were the school in Old to Crimea where we helped with equipment, the school in Evpatoria is too a new building which was repaired with organization TIKA support. We restored old schools and bought equipment for offices of physics, chemistry, biology, electronic library in school subjects. Nowadays such library is available not at all schools and thanks to it students have possibility to see experiments on video. Besides, medical offices at three schools were also equipped; the equipment for nutrition unit and a dining room in Soviet and Sudak was bought.

According to Ali Mohammed Taha, for project realization is spent 4 million UAH.

As the head of the Crimean branch of the AUASO "Аlraid" noted, one of priority directions of activity is charity as soon as acknowledgement will be received, the Association will begin project realization on support of medicine in regions, in particular, it will be engaged in repair of ambulance stations and their equipment.

Moreover, the AUASO "Alraid" continues to assist the needy, on its guardianship are more than 900 children-orphans who receive both material help, and encouragement.

By "Crimean world"

Related Links:

Islamic Bank of Development - to Crimean-Tatar Schools

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