Ukrainian Muslim Organization to take Part in High Level Conference of OSCE

Ukrainian Muslim Organization to take Part in High Level Conference of OSCE
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Honorable delegates from 56 states - participants of the OSCE - will gather in the capital of Kazakhstan on June, 29 and 30, to discuss issues of tolerance and indiscrimination in the OSCE region. In this high level conference will also take part the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Alraid" alongside with the supreme government officials, politics and public figures of states-members of the OSCE.

The purpose of the conference is assistance to performance of obligations and values within the framework of the OSCE fixed in the Helsinki Final Certificate, the Parisian Charter for New Europe, the Copenhagen Document on Human Measurement of the OSCE, decisions of the Council of Ministers of the OSCE and another documents. For this purpose it will analyze spheres in which were executed existing obligations, and also will determine the areas requiring for the further transformations.

As it is marked in the press release, the special attention during the conference will be given to ways of struggle against intolerance and discrimination on religious and ethnic ground. Participants will discuss the role of legislative structures, law enforcement bodies, educational system and mass-media in the opposition to public displays of intolerance and in the duty of promotion of mutual understanding through open dialogue.

In the conference work will be involved experts in the field of tolerance and indiscrimination from the countries - participants of the OSCE and special Representatives of the Chairman of the OSCE on corresponding issues.

Since according to the Helsinki document of 1992 (chapter IV), the OSCE aspires to expand cooperation with the non-governmental organizations, the day before the conference, namely on June, 28th, the NGO will take part in a preparatory meeting of a civil society.

This important part anticipating conference, will allow participants to communicate about successful practices in the discussed sphere, to carry out a discussion about cooperation of the civil society with the OSCE and to prepare concrete recommendations which will be presented during the conference.

The list of recommendations also includes recommendations of the AUASO "Alraid", the constant participant of seminars, round tables, discussions on various themes, etc., organized by the OSCE within the limits of its competence. The organization participates in the conference of such a high level for the first time and will be presented in the name of managing information department of the AUSO "Аlraid".

The conference will consist of several parts devoted to forms of intolerance and discrimination, and also ways of their overcoming.

At the first plenary session will be raised an issue of struggle against hatred and animosities concerning Muslims. For this purpose the adviser and the special representative of the Secretary General of the Organization Islamic Conference, Omur Orhun, will carry out a discussion of such phenomenon as Islamophobia.

The conference on behalf of the host country will be officially opened by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - presiding in the OSCE in 2010 - Nursultan Nazarbayev, the owner of the peace and preventive diplomacy prize.


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