Inter-Confessional Council of Crimea asks Yanukovych to promote Building of Cathedral Mosque in Simferopol

Place of building of the Cathedral mosque (Photo: RFE/RE)
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Inter-confessional Council of Crimea "World - God's gift", uniting traditional religious organizations of the autonomy, addressed to the president of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych with the request to promote building of the Cathedral mosque in Simferopol. On it "Interfax-religion" was informed in the press-service of the Simferopol diocese.

"Respectfully we ask you to support the initiative of Muslims of Crimea that each people living on our blest earth could realize the constitutional law on building of cult buildings and further carrying out of prayers in them", is stated in the circulation to the head of the state.

Authors of the document reminded that in 2004 members of Inter-confessional council already addressed to the authorities of the autonomy with the request for the building permission to the Crimean Muslims of the Cathedral mosque in Simferopol.

In his turn the metropolitan of Simferopol and Crimea Lazar in his performances repeatedly said that for restoration of historical justice, trust strengthening between people and intensity non-admission it is necessary to solve the issue on building of the main cult building of the Crimean Muslims.

Historical background

As it was informed earlier, on May, 12th, the Economic court of Crimea satisfied the statement of claim of the Religious Administration of Muslims of the autonomy to the Simferopol city council about allocation of the land area for building of the Cathedral mosque. The Economic court obliged the mayoralty to conclude with the Muftiyat the rent contract on the land area along Yaltinskaya Street, 22, and also cancelled earlier made decision of the City Council on formation of green space "Yubileyniy" on this place.

The mayor of Simferopol Gennady Babenko declared that the city authorities do not intend to appeal against a judgment and will carry it out.

On May, 14th, 2010, the president of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych signed the decree about additional measures on arrangement of the Crimean Tatars, other persons deported to a national sign, and their descendants who returned or come back to constant residence to Ukraine. In the decree the head of the state, in particular, charged the Ministerial council of Crimea to promote the decision of the building issues in Simferopol of the Cathedral mosque.

Earlier, in 2004, at first the executive committee, and then the Simferopol city council, co-ordinated the location of the Cathedral mosque in the Yaltinskaya Street and authorized for preparation of documents for the project of tap of the given ground area under building. The Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea within three years carried out all necessary coordination and presented them in 2007 on the definitive statement to the Simferopol City Council which considered this issue three times and each time refused in land allocation.

On January, 10th, 2008, the Simferopol City Council without the coordination with the Muftiyat made the decision on allocation of other land area for building of the Cathedral mosque - in the Lugovaya street, 6, though the same site was already co-ordinated by the City Council with trade union of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for habitation building.

Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea submitted the judicial claim on the decision of the Simferopol City Council. Moreover, the decision of the Simferopol deputies was protested by the Office of Public Prosecutor of Crimea. In February, 2008, the Economic court of Crimea obliged the City Council to allocate to the Mufliyat earlier co-ordinated land area in the Yaltinskaya Street, however, the City Council protested this decision in the Higher appeal court of Ukraine which returned the case on consideration in inferior court. On July, 24th, 2008 the Simferopol city council made the decision of formation of a forest park "Yubileyniy" on the land area along the Yaltinskaya Street, 22.

Since January, 23rd, 2008 the Crimean Muslims started peaceful protest action in the form of information picket on Yaltinskaya Street, 22, against actions of deputies of the city council with requirement to allocate the land for a mosque. On this place were established tents and posters with requirements. Thus in Crimea took place the action under the title "From every Crimean - one stone for building of the Cathedral mosque in Simferopol". In the action took part not only Muslims, but also inhabitants of Crimea of other creeds.

There were collected about 173 thousand stones. Moreover, people donated money which was enlisted into the special account for mosque building. In November, 2008, from the stones collected during the action on site perimeter was laid out a symbolical fence. Stones were laid on the earth, against each other, without a solution.

Information picket in Simferopol proceeds till now.

By "Interfax-religion"

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