For the first Time "Alraid" holds Seminar for Imams with participation of leading Islamic Experts

At the meeting on December, 11-12th, in the building of the Islamic Social Cultural centre of Kiev gathered about 250 Imams and active workers from various cities of Ukraine.
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For the first time in Ukraine passed an educational seminar for Imams with participation of well-known in the Islamic world scholars and social figures. At the meeting on December, 11-12th, in the building of the Islamic Social Cultural centre of Kiev gathered about 250 Imams and active workers from various cities of Ukraine. The exchange of experience and increase of level of the Ukrainian Imams became seminar overall objectives.

As the organizer of the seminar acted the all-Ukraine Association of Social Oganisations "Аlraid". There lectured leading experts in the field of Shariat sciences: Sheikh Haysam Rahma (Sweden) – the head of the Assembly of Imams of Europe; the professor Anis ar-Ravi (Sweden) – the scholar in the field of atomic engineering, the attache of cultural department in the embassy of Iraq in Sweden; Jamal ash-Shatti (Kuwait) – the head of the International committee of acquaintance with Islam; Аbdulwahhab ash-Shaey (Kuwait) - the founder of the International committee on acquaintance with Islam; Sheikh Jamal Seyrauan (Saudi Arabia) – the expert in the issues of Fiqh.

Never before to Ukraine came Islamic scholars of such level, therefore interest to their performances was extreme.

Sheikh Jamal Seyrauan, the expert in issues of Fiqb, told the gathered about great responsibility at fatwa issuing, having specified what conditions should be observde at decision-making.

"The important factor at fatwas is the country of residing of this or that Muslim community, its people, culture, customs, and traditions. All these components should be considered by the Imam", Sheikh Jamal emphasized.

All gathered were impressed by lecture of the professor of Anis ar-Ravi. The professor presented fragments from the book " In the shadow of the divine kingdom" in which are gathered explanations of more than 1500 Quranic ayats from the point of view of scientific thought. Alternating images of discoveries in different spheres of science, Anis ar-Ravi named to it an ayat from the Holy Quran. Many present hardly could keep tears.

It is impossible to forget lecture of the founder of the International Committee on Acquaintance with Islam (Kuwait) Abdulwahhab ash-Shaey. Using his own experience, the Sheikh explained to the Imams, how to acquaint the person with Islam properly, what information for the interested will be priority that in consciousness of a person the imposed stereotypes about Islam vanished.

Faces of Muslims radiated admiration and content. The seminar passed in fine spiritual conditions. For two consecutive days, Imams who came from all corners of Ukraine, excitedly listened to performances of authoritative lecturers, received answers to interesting questions, took part in instructive trainings.

Organizers hope that this meeting will help the Ukrainian Imams with their activity on the way of acquaintance of people with Islam without stereotypes and extremes.

Staff reporter.

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