In Kiev took place Investment Summit of CIS and Middle Eastern Countries

For participation in the Summit were invited more than 400 heads of companies from 32 Middle-Eastern countries.
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On November, 27-28th, in the conference hall of the Kiev hotel "Premier Palace" took place the Investment Summit of the countries of the CIS and the Middle East on which were considered questions of attraction of investments from the Arab countries into the Post-Soviet states.

The day before, organizers of the Summit put three primary goals: cultural rapprochement of Ukraine and the Arab world; organization of a platform for dialogue of potential investors and top-managers representing enterprises of the Post-Soviet countries; the conclusion of contracts on investment.

For participation in the Summit were invited more than 400 heads of companies from 32 Middle-Eastern countries interested in investment cooperation. From the part of Ukraine in the meeting participated deputies, businessmen representatives of the Ministry of Economics of Ukraine, the state committee of Ukraine concerning the regular policy and business.


Aftab Amin Ali, the Vice-president, Dubai Islamic Bank;

Valery Golovushkin, the President, Socar;

Elena Voloshina, the Director of representation in Ukraine, International Finance Corporation

Elena Rybak, the Director, the European-Ukrainian Power Agency

Christian Brunner, the General Manager, EuroGlass Ukraine;

Maha K.Alghunaim, the head of Board, Global Investment House;

Michael Brodsky, the Head of the State Committee of Ukraine on Issues of Regulation Policy and Businesses;

Natalia Tihovskaya, the Chief of the department of factoring services, JSCB Ukrsotsbank;

Nilesh Lad, the Partner of the department of auditor services, Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Ukraine;

Skordis Georgios, the Assistant to the Head of the Board, Sea Transport Bank;

Vyacheslav Vlasov, the Partner of the department of tax and legal services, Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Ukraine;

Phillip Torpe, the Head of the Board, Qatar Financial Regulatory Centre Authority;

Khalid Al-Novais, the Chief of Marketing Department, Abu-Dhabi Investment Authority.

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